

Research groups on social movements


Groupe de recherche sur la citoyenneté active (GRECA).

European Protest Movement.

Research Group: Civil Society, Citizenship, and Political Mobilization in Europe.


Center for the study of democracy, University of California, Irvine.


Center for the study of social movements and social change.


Program for the study of contentious politics.



Websites of persons of interest in the field of social movement research, which may contain useful information


Javier Auyero


Mario Diani


Olivier Fillieule


Jeff Goodwin


James M. Jasper


Martin Klimke


Doug McAdam


Pamela Oliver

Pippa Norris

Christopher Rootes


Dieter Rucht


Sidney Tarrow



Research networks on global issues


CIVICUS - World Alliance for Citizen Participation.


Euromovements - Action Research Network for the ESF confluence process.


Focus on the Global South.




Oxford Internet Institute.


Political parties, interest groups and other social movements.


Research Working Group on Transnational Social Movements of the University of California, Riverside.


SHUR. Human Rights in Conflicts: The Role of Civil Society.


The Association for Progressive Communications - Internet and ICTs for Social Justice and Development.


Transform! Italia.


Transnational Institute.


Workshop on Transnational Contention at Cornell University.



Reports on globalization and civil society


An x-ray of the participation to the WSF 2005 (by IBASE).


Flash Eurobarometer 151 - Iraq and Peace in the World.


Flash Eurobarometer 151b – Globalisation.


A fair globalization - Creating opportunities for all (by ILO).


Democratising the Global Economy. The role of civil society (by Jan Aart Scholte).


Global civil society Yearbook 2001.


Global civil society Yearbook 2002.


Global civil society Yearbook 2003.


Global civil society Yearbook 2004/2005.


Globalisers from below (by Mario Pianta and Federico Silva).


Global Civil Society Events: Parallel Summits, Social Fora, Global Days of Action.


UN World Summits and Civil Society Engagement.


The World Social Forum: challenging empires (pdf version of the book).



Other links of interest



European Political Science Review

European Social Forum

European University Institue



Le Monde Diplomatique


Orçamento Participativo


World Social Forum


Social movement studies


Social problems



Università degli Studi di Firenze