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Stefania Galeazzi (1959-2012)

Posted on 17 June 2012


Our friend and colleague, Stefania Galeazzi, passed away on Saturday after a long and courageous fight against a serious illness.  Even those who knew her slightly were impressed by her energy, friendliness and a positive attitude that never relented in the face of life’s difficulties. Those lucky enough to have known her better will cherish memories of her wry sense of humour  and her personal generosity.  We will miss her not only as a dedicated colleague but above all as a presence amongst us who lightened our days with her kindness and goodness. Her rare sensibility also made of Stefania a gifted and admired poet and we re-print here one of her poems as testament to a uniquely valuable person.




Si confonde il cielo con la terra.

Di blu si tinge il mare,

con il bianco latte delle nuvole che

nelle curve delle onde  evapora.


Dove si trova il colore dell’amore e

dove si perde il sapore della vita?

E’ possibile scivolare all’orizzonte e

nel sole scaldare i freddi pensieri?


Nel cielo volano storie d’amore così

profonde che si perdono nell’anima.

E’ fantasia che nasce,

è realtà che vive,

è vita che muore

sulla strada invisibile del tempo.

                 Stefania Galeazzi


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