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EUI in the Press 2013

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andrea_ichino_top[1]L’addio mascherato ai test Invalsi. Quando l’autovalutazione salva tutti. An article by  Andrea Ichino, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics. Corriere della Sera, 6 December 2013





Want People to Be Free? Abolish Visas. An article mentioning a Migration Policy Centre’s study about the potential consequences of abolishing EU visas for Ukraine and neighboring Moldova. Bloomberg, 17 December 2013




Much regional variation in performance of European populist right parties, an article mentioning the European Union Democracy Observatory’s recent conference. The Irish Times, 15 December 2013




Simply 'Killing The Trolls' Won't Fix Our Complicated Patent System, an article quoting David K Levine, Professor of Microeconomics at the Department of Economics. Business Insider, 13 December 2013






Italy hit by wave of Pitchfork protests as austerity unites disperate groups an article quoting Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow in the Department of Politics and Social Science. The Guardian, 13 Decemeber 2013

JelenaDzankicCash for passports - what's the best deal? An article mentioning Jelena Dzankic a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the RSCAS, 4 News, 11 December 2013.

Press freedom a necessity for democracies, an interview  with European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Viviane Reding, in which  she refers to the  Centre for Media Pluralism and Media FreedomTehran Times, 10 December 2013


MPCMigranti: sempre più sbarchi, sempre più vittime an article mentioning the work of the Migration Policy CentreIl Fatto Quotidiano, 4 December, 2013.  





In Post Totalitarian States Media Are Free But Dependent EU Inside, 27 November 2013 and Media Freedom to Become a Seperate Chapter in the Accession NegotiationsEU Insider, 29 November 2013, articles mentioning the work of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom



FSR Logo

The Week Ahead: Proposal on Airline Emissions Expected to Be Introduced at European Parliament Committee Meeting an article mentioning the Florence School of Regulation Conference "EU Energy & Climate Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?" Bloomberg BNA, 22 November 2013



MPCSkills shortage to hit European Union by 2025 European CEO, 21 November, and L'Union européenne a besoin de faire venir plus de 21 millions de jeunes d'ici 2025 Égalité & Réconciliation, 27 November. Articles about the recent work of Phillippe Fargues and Ashley McCormick in the Migration Policy Centre

BadiafiesolanaControlli mare spingono a rotte pericolose an article mentioning the work of EUI in relation to solutions regarding irregular migration. Ansa Med, 2 December 2013  

MPCImmigration: 30 out of every 1,000 migrants die at sea, an article about research findings by Philippe De Bruycker, Anna Di Bartolomeo and Philippe Fargues of the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. ANSAMED, 2 December 2013

Prof. Martin ScheininIt's outrageous to accuse the Guardian of aiding terrorism by publishing Snowden's revelations, an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law. The Guardian, 2 December 2013

17102012_HOEKMANNUkraine's trade policy: Addressing supply-chain frictions a commentary piece in collaboration with Bernard Hoekman, Director of the Global Economics Programme at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced StudiesVox, 29 Novemeber 2013  


Verso ok a proposta finanziamento Archivi storici Ue FirenzeDoris Pack e Carlo Casini agli archivi storici dell'Ue and Visita dei presidenti delle commissioni cultura ed affari costituzionali del parlamento europeo Doris Pack e Carlo Casini articles about the visit to the Historical Archives of the European Union by the EU's commissioners of Culture and Constitutional Affairs. ANSAEurActivMet.   28 November.


MPCI migranti arrivano da regimi repressivi. Il tasso di mortalità: 30 per mille  an article about research findings by Philippe De Bruycker, Anna Di Bartolomeo and Philippe Fargues of the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. La Repubblica, 28 November 2013

Prof. Martin Scheinin

UN advances surveillance resolution reaffirming 'human right to privacy' an article quoting Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law. The Guardian. 26 November 2013

DuncanMcDonnellDrop the drama, modern Europe looks little like the 1930s vintage an article by Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences. The Conversation, 24 November 2013  
MPCEU to lose sixth of young workers by 2025, study says an article about the recent work of the Migration Policy Centre, part of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Financial Times. 20 November 2013
Triandafyllidou2 Cervelli in fuga ma non per la crisi. Gli italiani emigrano soprattutto per arricchire curriculum e carriera. An article following an interview with Anna Triandafyllidou Director of the Global Governance Programme Research Strand on Cultural Pluralism. Il Sole 24 Ore, 18 November 2013
MPCVisa-Free Travel For EU’s Eastern Partners: Time To Act – Analysis, an article mentioning a study focusing on Ukraine and Moldova published by the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Eurasia Review, 8 November 2013
neilhowardForced labour: it's about politics, not crime, by Neil Howard, Marie Curie Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. The Guardian, 7 November 2013
DonatellaDellaPortaDemokrati i krise, an interview with  Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology in the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Bergens Tidende, 28 October 2013
Pasquale FerraraLa finestra iraniana an editorial by Pasquale Ferrara, Secretary General at the EUI. Cittá Nuova. 25 October 2013 

Priyednannya do ugodi sot pro derzhzakupivli daye bagato vigod ukrayini an interview with Bernard Hoekman, GGP Programe Director. BTB. 29 October 2013





Fuga di cervelli dall'Italia: è boom negli ultimi 18 mesi, secondo una ricerca universitaria internazionale an interview with Anna Triandafyllidou Director of the GGP Research Strand on Cultural PluralismRadio 24. 26 October 2013


DuncanMcDonnellItaly moves to abolish political party funding an article quoting  Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences. The Local. 17 October 2013.  
Prof. Martin Scheinin

Articles mentioning   Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the Department of Law, and his intervention before the before the Civil Liberties Committee of the European Parliament:

The World’s Policeman Is Looking Mighty GuiltySlate, 16 October 2013

Rechtsexperten im EU-Parlament: NSA und GCHQ verletzen Menschenrechte und SouveränitätHeise online, 15 October 2013

Untersuchungsausschuss im Europaparlament findet heraus: Totalüberwachung nicht so richtig legalNetzpolitik, 15 October 2013

Olivier Roy The many faces of secularism, an article quoting  Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. The Gazette, 16 October 2013 
venturini-Cropped-100x120Italy rescues migrants as giant sea patrol begins, and article quoting Alessandra Venturini, deputy director of the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS. Global Post, 15 October 2013 

Perché (ora) sono inutili più fondi alla scuola. L’Italia investe molto nell’istruzione, ma spende male. Studiamo più ore e siamo meno bravi degli altri, an article by  Andrea Ichino, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics. Corriere della Sera, 10 Ottobre 2013

Italy should reform education system, an article quoting  Andrea IchinoPress TV, 14 October 2013

religiowestLogoSmallVisions of a new world, a review of one of the papers in the ReligioWest series. 
The Economist, 8 October 2013

Nati anni ’80, generazione cavia dell’Italia in crisi, an article quoting Andrea Ichino, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics. Linkiesta, 3 October 2013

Se l’Università punisse gli «intoccabili», and article by  Andrea Ichino, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics. Corriere della Sera, 30 September 2013


It's all about Berlusconi again, as Italian government teeters, and article by  Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Science. SBS, 30 September 2013

Hong Kong evidence may be key in linking Berlusconi to fraud case 28 September 2013 and  Names of Hong Kong firms linked to pair in Silvio Berlusconi trial unveiled 22 September 2013. Articles quoting Duncan McDonnell South China Morning Post 

Abbott, Rudd and de Blasio: many things but not populists an article by Duncan McDonnell. The Conversation, 19 September 2013   


Young Europeans on the move, an article mentioning research carried out at the EUINeoskosmos, 19 September 2013


DonatellaDellaPortaCorruption Revisited, an interview with  Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology, Department of Political and Social Sciences. Radio Voice of Russia, 13 September 2013
ggptnYoung Europeans on the move an article about the Global Governance Programme's recent migration survey. Kathimerini,30 August 2013  
Olivier Roy

Recent articles mentioning the work of Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences 

Egypt's Kulturkampf National Review Online.31 July 2013

The coup in Egypt does not mark the end of the Arab Spring Turkish Weekly. 14 August 2013

Can Srping be so far behind? Outlook India.24 August 2013

Democracy is at risk if party excluded New Straits Times. 5 August

Guerra in Siria: Le ragoni e i rischi del 28August 2013

Islamophobie: objectif et sratégie des campagnes contre les musulmans de France Saphir News. 19 August 2013


Wklad papiezy do wolnosci religijnej an article quoting EUI President Joseph HH Weiler. 21 August 2013

Meeting Rimini 2013. Tutti gli incontri da non perdere, da Vasilij Grossman a Enrico Letta an article mentioning Joseph HH Weiler. 18 August 2013

DonatellaDellaPortaL'esercito italiano si prepara a rivolte sociali?  an article mentioning Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology. Wall Street Italia, 20 August 2013
Rainer Bauböck

 "Nationalratswahl für Ausländer" am 24. September, an article mentioning Rainer Bauböck, Professor of social and political theory. Die Presse, 13 August 2013

100 Personen für den Kanzler - ÖVP präsentiert erste Plakatwelle. Wahlkampf geht voll los, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckWiener Zeitung, 13 August 2013 

SOS Mitmensch setzt sich für Wahlrecht für Ausländer ein, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckVienna online, 13 August 2013

SOS Mitmensch setzt sich für Wahlrecht für Ausländer ein, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckPolitik Heute, 13 August 2013

Ausländer wählen schon am 24. September, an article mentioning Rainer BauböckUnzensuriert, 13 August 2013


Swedish boarding school shut down after bullying claims an article quoting Petter Sangren, a researcher in the Department of History and Civilisation. The Guardian. 30 August 2013


OlivierRoyIl grande gioco dei sunniti contro l'Iran an interview with Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. Corriere della Sera page 4. 28 august 2013

Benedetto XVI / Weiler: fede, ragione e politica, attenti a non confondere &  Libertà di fede, misura di vera laicità interviews with EUI president-elect, Joseph HH Weiler. / Avvenire  


L’Italia giusta v political expediency an article quoting Marie Curie Fellow Duncan McDonnellThe Economist 10 August 2013


Tommaso GiordanoLibrary Futures an interview with Tommaso Giordano, deputy director of the EUI library. The Guardian. 7 August 2013   

Sven SteinmoBedockItaly's French Temptation an article written by  Professor Sven Steimo and Camille Bedock of the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Project Syndicate. 1 August 2013  


Judges Reject Silvio Berlusconi’s Appeal, but His Political Appeal Endures, an article quoting Marie Curie Fellow Duncan McDonnell. TIME. 1 August 2013

This is the end of Berlusconi, right? Probably, yes an article by Duncan McDonnellThe Conversation. 1 August 2013 

LaffanBrigidRebuilding the economy to dominate MacGill sessions, an article mentioning Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies. The Irish Times, 1 August 2013 
DuncanMcDonnellPostcard from the edge of Europe (not including Iceland) an article by Marie Curie Fellow Duncan McDonnellThe Conversation. 30 July 2013   
Marise Cremona

Integrasi Hukum ASEAN Perlu Segera Terealisasi an article quoting Marise Cremona president ad interim of the EUI. 29 July 2013 

PasqualeFerraraSGLa fioritura sociale continuerà, ma...  an interview with EUI Secretary General Pasquale FerraraSIR Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 27 July 2013
Olivier RoyIs Islam compatible with a secular Europe?  an interview with Olivier Roy joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. News International, 23 July 2013
Weiler“La idea europea es demasiado grande para fracasar” an article quoting Joseph HH Weiler President Elect of the EUI. Jerez Es Mas. 15 July 2013
Olivier Roy

Egypte, Tunisie "L’espace religieux s’est démocratisé, pas libéralisé" an interview with Olivier Roy joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. Ouest France, 18 July 2013



Immigrati non è solo questione di polizia Immigrati e polizia an article mentioning the EUI. La Provincia. 17 July 2013


Olivier Roy The failure of political Islam, by  Olivier Roy joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. Prospect, 11 July 2013

Lasciare l’Italia a causa della crisi economica. Chi sono i “nuovi migranti europei”? an article mentioning the Global Governance Programme's work on migration. Immigrazione Oggi. 11 July 2013



Sinavsiz Hukuk Fakültesi’nin yolu açildi an article mentioning the EUI. Sabah. 10 July 2013



Le radici cristiane sono un’evidenza laica per gli storici an article quoting Professor Joseph Weiler, EUI President elect. Unione Cristiani Cattolici Razionali 10 July 2013


Olivier Roy

The future of political Islam an article discussing the work of Olivier Roy joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. New Straits Times 8 July 2013


Olivier Roy

Échec mate, an article mentioning Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences, and his book The Failure of Political IslamThe Economist, 5 July 2013



Whistle-blower Snowden has own 'no fly zone', an article mentioning Martin Scheinin, Professor of International Law and Human Rights. South China Morning Post, 5 July 2013


DuncanMcDonnellGeert Wilders is back and he has European domination on his mind, writes Duncan McDonnell, an article by  Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow. The Conversation, 5 July 2013
AC100x101Union européenne : Un texte sur la liberté de religion passe... inaperçu an article quoting  Pasquale Annicchino in the Economist. La Vie 4 July 2013
RainerBauboeck Viel Gewese um eine kleine Novelle an article mentioning  Professor Rainer BauböckWiener Zeitung 3 July 2013

Domani la Croazia entra nell'Ue vent'anni dopo la guerra and article by EUI Secretary General Pasquale FerraraL'Unitá 30 June 2013




Conoscere la crisi: al via una ricerca sui ‘nuovi migranti’ europei an article mentioning the Global Governance Programme at the EUI. Farnesina 26 June 2013


Quel rapporto ormai bloccato con l'Europa an article by EUI Secretary General Pasquale FerraraL'Unitá 13 June 2013

Olivier Roy

Incompetenti e lontani dalla società Il fallimento dei governi islamici an interview with Professor Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. Corriere della Sera 3 July 2013


Villa Salviati

Durch eine Zypressenallee zu Europas Schätzen, an article on the Historical Archives of the European Union followiing the visit to the HAEU of Dr. Jörg Bremer. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2 July 2013 


AC100x101A religious policy by stealth an article mentioning  Pasquale Annicchino a research fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. The Economist 3 July 2013 
Ulrich KrotzA book review of 'Shaping Europe: France, Germany and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysée Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics' by EUI Professor Ulrich Krotz (and Joachim Schild). Times Higher Education 14 March 2013.
Olivier RoyFreedom, Then and Now an article mentioning Professor Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. The Majalla 28 June 2013 
MPCSyrian outlook for 2014 remains bleak an article mentioning the work of the Migration Policy CentreGulf News 26 June 2013    
DeMoragas Antoni ItaloBecas universitarias: ¿por rendimiento académico o por renta familiar? an article by researcher Antoni-Italo de Moragas 26 June 2013

Parte ricerca di 4 università su fuga cervelli an article mentiong the EUI and the Global Governance Programme's migration survey. 25 June 2013



Investimenti cinesi nei paesi avanzati an article by  Marco Sanfilippo. Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Center. Affari Internazionali 25 June 2013


EmilioLamodeEspinosaEl presidente del Real Instituto Elcano impartia una conferencia en Melilla an article about Emilio Lamo de Espinosa a member of the EUI Research Council. 14 June 2013 

Le radici della crisi: violenza e liberalizzazione urbana a Istanbul an article mentioing PhD researcher Valentina 24 June 2013


Cloe Cavero de Carondelet Fiscowich

Me fascina que el centro de Florencia se conserve casi como en el siglo XV an interview with researcher  Cloe Cavero de Carondelet 23 June 2013

RainerBauboeckStaatsbürgerschaft: Geteilte Meinungen in Hearing an article mentioning Professor Rainer BauböckORF 20 June 2013
Olivier RoyOasis: with the death of secular humanism, it is time to build new bridges an article mentioning Professor Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. Asia News 19 June 2013
DuncanMcDonnell Italy's Five Stars lose their twinkle as ejection of MP sparks ugly row an article quoting Duncan McDonnell a Marie Curie Fellow. The Guardian 19 June 2013 
HaroldJamesRenownded economic and finacial historian Harold James joins CIGI as senior fellow an article detailing the appointment of a Senior Fellow of the Global Governance Programme to  The Centre for International Governance InnovationDigital Journal 19 June 2013
DuncanMcDonnell"Beppe Grillo is the problem with the party" an article quoting Marie Curie Fellow Duncan McDonnellThe Local 18 June 2013. 

TriandafyllidouPartono per la carriera, ecco chi sono i nuovi emigrati italiani e dove vanno and I nuovi emigrati itialiani della crisi: dove vanno e perche? articles about a new survey by the Global Governance Programme, quoting Professor Anna TriandafyllidouIl Sole 24 Ore & Forexinfo 14 June 2013.

DuncanMcDonnellQuestion I don't want to hear: 'The EU: What was that?' an article by Duncan McDonnellThe Conversation 14 June 2013. 
MathiasVermeulenOok Staatsveiligheid krijgt informatie uit Prism an article mentioning Mathias Vermeulen a research assistant in the Department of Law. De Standaard 11 June 2013
MathiasVermeulen"Slimme" camera's moeten dringend wettelijk geregeld worden an article mentioning Mathias Vermeulen a research assistant in the Department of Law. Gazet van Anterwerpen 4 June 2013.  
ChristensenJohanMindre skatt - mindre velferd? an article mentioning Johan Christensen, a researcher in the Department of Politics and Social Science. Ukeavisen Ledelse 14 June 2013.
BenWagnerHow to disappear: it's getting harder and harder an article quoting Ben Wager, a researcher in the Department of Politics and Social Sciences. The Economist 15 June 2013.
MathiasVermeulenInteresseert privacy ons langer dan een week? an article mentioning  Mathias Vermeulen a research assistant in the Department of Law. Demorgan 12 June 2013.
Leonidas OikonomakisDon't miss the forest when is comes to Turkey's trees an article written by PhD researcher Leonidas OikonomakisEurasiareview 12 June 2013.  
BadiafiesolanaOnce hombres y una mujer bajo sospecha an article mentioning the EUI and ex-research fellow Professor Jose Ignacio Conde-RuizValencia Plaza 11 June 2013.
MassimilianoMarcellino2010DamienPuyGlobal spillovers and economic cycles an article mentioning the EUIProfessor Massimiliano Marcellino and researcher Damien PuyEconoMonitor. 6 June 2013

L'íslam, object de tensions aux Etats-Unis an article mentioning Nadia Marzouki, Reseach Fellow at the Robert Schman Centre for Advanced Studies. Le Monde. 4 June 2013.

Takis PappasPrimi vagiti nella culla dell’austerity an article quoting Takis Pappas, Marie Curie Fellow. Il Foglio. 3 June 2013.
Elbasani-Cropped-100x120European Integration in the Western Balkans: Revising the Transformative Power of the EU an article by  Dr Arolda Elbasani, Jean Monnet Fellow. e-International Relations, 30 May 2013.
DuncanMcDonnellOn Italy's streets, Five Star still twinkles an article by Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow. The Conversation. 30 May 2013. 
Elbasani-Cropped-100x120Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso talks to Jean Monnet Fellow, Dr Arolda Elbasani, about her new book "The Balkans: A European Success?". 24 May 2013  
BadiafiesolanaWhy did you emigrate? an article quoting the online survey promoted by the Global Glovernance Programme (RSCAS) and other research institutions. The Irish Times, 29 May 2013
Sayed"Vedrete, l'Egitto cambierà". An inverview with Fatma Sayed, Office of the Dean of Studies and EUI Alumna. Osservatorio Iraq, Medioriente e Nordafrica, 28 May 2013

Europa, Un any per l'examen, an article quoting Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow. Elpunt, 26 May 2013



Libertà dei media: Ue, “rivedere la direttiva sui servizi di media audiovisivi e migliorare le condizioni di lavoro dei giornalisti”, an article which refers to the EUI and the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (RSCAS). Tribuna Economica, 24 May 2013

Parlamento Europeo: difendere indipendenza giornalisti, an article which refers to the EUIArticolo 21, 23 May 2013

Media freedom: MEPs call for annual EU monitoring of national media laws, an article which refers to the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (RSCAS). European Parliament News, 21 May 2013

Cuatro centro europeos, entre ellos el Real Instituto Elcano, lanzan un encuesta para los nuevos emigrantes. An article about research on migration carried out at the EUI. Empresa Exterior, 20 May 2013

Un "uomo planetario" negli scatti dal mondo di Nazareno Fabbretti, an article about the current exhibition in the Cloister of the Badia Fiesolana. La Nazione, 17 May 2013 

DuncanMcDonnellTurn of the technocrats tells us parties have failed. An Article by Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie fellow. The Conversation, 16 May 2013
TriandafyllidouEU d? d?nh tang th?i gian h? tr? cho ngu?i di cu, an article quoting Anna Triandafyllidou, Programme Director and Research Strand Coordinator of the "Cultural Diversity" Research Strand ( Global Governance Programme) and Director of the ACCEPT PLURALISM project, RSCAS. Vietnam, 8 May 2013

Caught in a Bind: Syrians in the Gulf, an articole quoting a report by the Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration conducted by the EUI. Alakhbar, 14 May 2013

 'L'Europa a scuola', a Palazzo Medici Riccardi premiata la 4 B del liceo, 10 May 2013

Claire Kilpatrick

“ Quest for passport to a better life triggers debate on liberties”. An article quoting Claire Kilpatrick, Professor of International and European Labour and Social Law, Department of Law, EUI. Financial Times, 9 May 2013

financial times 

Loïc Azoulai

C'est quoi être citoyen européen ? An article quoting  Loïc Azoulai, Professor of European Union Law, Law Department. Le Monde, 8 May 2013


DuncanMcDonnellItaly Sets Ambitious Agenda, an article quoting Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie fellow. The Wall Street Journal, 29 April 2013

Så upprepar Sverige sitt svek mot ett Europa i kris, an article by Hanna Eklund, Researcher, Law Department., 24 April 2013



Quando il partito implode, article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS Department. Il Manifesto, 27 April 2013

Il governo bunga-bunga e la protesta dentro il Pd,  article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS Department., 25 April 2013

Napolitano e i movimenti, article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS Department. Il Manifesto, and ALBA, 23 April 2013

La elección de Napolitano y la institucionalización del chanchullo, article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS Department., 23 April 2013

L’elezione di Napolitano e l’inciucio, article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS Department., 20 April 2013 

OlivierRoyBoston: More Like Sandy Hook Than 9/11, an interview with Olivier Roy, joint chair in Mediterranean studies, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and Department of Political and Social Sciences. New Republic, 22 April 2013
GaryMarxfellowUS politicians show restraint after Boston attack, an article quoting Gary Marx, Fernand Braudel fellow. Deutsche Welle, 19 April 2013
DuncanMcDonnellItaly Party Leader to Resign, Deepening Gridlock, an article quoting Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie fellow. The Wall Street Journal, 19 April 2013
Pepper CulpepperDavid K LevineItaly: Lost in stagnation, article quoting Pepper Culpepper, professor of political science, and David Levine, professor of economics. The Financial Times, 18 April 2013

Festival d’Europa, l’assessora Giachi: «La nostra città darà un contributo importante»,

Exhibitions, plays, concerts, film festival and other cultural events are part of the festival’s calendar, in addition to conferences and seminars. The week’s highlight, The State of the Union conference, is organised by the European University Institute and brings together academics, economists and other figures at the forefront of international relations to discuss the progress of European integration after the Lisbon Treaty. Comune di Firenze, on 18 April


"Frauen hatten immer schon das Potenzial", Interview with  Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Professor of Sociology, SPS Department. Die Presse, 17 April 12013


DuncanMcDonnellBerlusconi, Katter and Assange: a very personal party, article by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow, and Benjamin Moffitt, PhD candidate. The Conversation, 16 April 2013

Articles announcing Miguel Poiares Maduro’s appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development of the Portuguese Government.  Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro was Joint Chair in European Law - RSCAS/LAW Department; Director of the Global Governance Programme; Coordinator of the "Modes of Global Governance" Research Strand (GGP). 

Press Review – Troika warns slim chances of Portugal returning to markets, Portugal Daily View, 12 April 2013

Miguel Poiares Maduro defendeu governo técnico de iniciativa presidencial RTP Notícias, 12 April 2013

Marques Guedes e Poiares Maduro no lugar de Miguel RelvasPúblico, 11 April 2013

Marques Guedes e Poiares Maduro substituem Miguel RelvasRTP Notícias, 11 April 2013

Conheça o novo ministro, Miguel Poiares MaduroTVI24, 11 April 2013

URGENTE: Miguel Poiares Maduro e Marques Guedes substituem Miguel Relvas no GovernoExpresso, 11 April 2013

Quem é Luís Miguel Poiares Pessoa MaduroJornal de Notícias, 11 April 2013

Miguel Poiares Maduro defende divulgação dos donos dos mediaNegocios 11 April 2013


Pasquale FerraraLa minaccia nucleare della Corea del Nord è un ricatto, interview with Pasquale Ferrara, EUI Secretary General. Città, 8 April 2013

When it comes to outsider politics, Italy is not so very different, article by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Australian, 5 April 2013 

Meet the Italian women fighting to be more than mothers and lovers, interview with  Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Telegraph, 4 April 2013 

Paolo Di Canio 'fascism' furore at Sunderland leaves Italy divided, article quoting  Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Guardian, 3 April 2013

Italy Moves to Break Political Impasse, article quoting  Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2013

Dim Hopes for Italy Government Deal, article quoting  Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2013

Bersani obtém apoio de Napolitano para formar governo, article quoting  Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. Gazeta do Povo, 22 March 2013 

AndreaCalderaloOnline Collective Action and Policy Change: Shifting Contentious Politics in Policy Processes, an article by Andrea Calderaro, Research Assistant at the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, RSCAS. The Policy and Internet Blog, 2 April 2013

Esther Hauk: "Aquí puedo hacer la investigación que me gusta". Article by Esther Hauk, EUI Alumna and Professor at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. La Vanguardia, 31 March 2013



FedericaCasarosaAndreaRendapicPluralismo e libertà d’espressione: dalla censura in Pakistan al dibattito in Occidente, quale futuro per l’Europa?, article quoting Federica Casarosa, EUI Research Assistant, and   Andrea Renda, Part-time Professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Key4Biz, 28 March 2013
Carletti Elena

Italy’s stalemate unnerves investors, article by Guy Dinmore quoting Elena Carletti,  Professor of Economics, Joint Chair Department of Economics and Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Financial Times, 21 March 2013

financial times


ΜΕ ΑΦΟΡΜΗ ΤΟ 35o ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΓΣΕΕ-2 (On the occasion of the 35th conference of GSEE (General Confederation of Greek Workers)), article by Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS department. Enthemata, 19 March 2013


Prof. Miguel Poiares MaduroA Bruxelles rischia di dominare la retorica. Le relazioni nell’Ue sono come 100 anni fa, interview to  Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro, Joint Chair in European Law - RSCAS/LAW Department; Director of the Global Governance Programme; Coordinator of the "Modes of Global Governance" Research Strand (GGP). Tempi, 17 March 2013

Le 'choc' du premier pape d'Amérique latine, article quoting Olivier Roy, joint chair Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, chair in Mediterranean studies. Les Échos, 15 March 2013.



Too much too young for Italy’s Five-Star Movement? by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Conversation, 13 March 2013.



Weiler: ecco l’eredità di Benedetto XVI alla vigilia del Conclave, interview with Joseph H.H. Weiler, Joseph Straus Professor of Law at New York University and EUI President electFirenzepost, 11 March 2013


InnerarityAprès la crise de l'euro, un nouveau 'nous', by Daniel Innerarity, Global Governance Programme fellow. Le Monde,6 March 2013. 

Duncan McDonnell: "Pas d'autre solution qu'un gouvernement technique Bis en Italie", an interview with Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. Les Échos, 6 March 2013.


Pasquale Ferrara

Dal conflitto alla governance, by Pasquale Ferrara, EUI secretary general. Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 4 March 2013.


DuncanMcDonnellGrillo is the only real winner in Italy, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie fellow. The Australian, 4 March 2013.

Vicini e lontani dagli indignati, by  Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS department. Il Manifesto 2 March 2013.



Contrôles électroniques aux frontières, "un gadget", interview to Mathias Vermeulen, research assistant at the LAW department. La Libre, 1 March 2013

EU proposes tighter border control bill, article by Nikolaj Nielsen mentioning Mathias Vermeulen, research assistant at the LAW department. EU, 28 February 2013

EU and Israel research crime-stopping drones, article by Nikolaj Nielsen mentioning Mathias Vermeulen, research assistant at the LAW department. EU, 7 February 2013


Olivier Roy (IUE): 'La démission du pape est le signe d'une crise' an interview with  Olivier Roy, Joint Chair in Mediterranean Studies - RSCAS/SPS department, Les Échos, 28 February 2013.



Syria: corrupt regime officials dissipate 80% of int'l aid, Report by Syrian political scientist Salam Kawakibi published by the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS. ANSA med, 26 February 2013


Jerome Roos

Wave of indignation returns to Spain: Hundreds of thousands protest austerity, by Jérôme Roos EUI Researcher. 26 February 2013



Incerteza à Italiana, quoting Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. Metro - Brazil, 27 February, on page 6.

Italy prepares to meet the 'Grillini': young, civic-minded and female, article quoting Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. The Guardian, 26 February 2013

Italy’s Elections: Split Vote Yields No Clear Winner and an ‘Unholy Mess’, interview with Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. Time, 25 February 2013

The Italian election, radio discussion with, among others, Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. Rear vision, 24 February 2013

Politics Takes A Funny Turn in Italy with Comedian Beppe Grillo, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. BBC, 22 February 2013

Italy parades the same old characters, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. The Australian, 22 February 2013

Itália quer Berlusconi de volta? interview to Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. BBC Brasil, 22 February 2013

New coalitions, old faces dominate Italian elections, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. Deutsche Welle, 21 February 2013


DonatellaDellaPortaEl centroizquierda italiano asume la austeridad de Monti para llegar al poder, article quoting Donatella della Porta, professor of sociology, SPS department. RTVE, 22 February 2013 
BadiafiesolanaEuropean University Institute's renaissance thinking, by Jack Grove, Times Higher Education reporter. Times Higher Education, 21 February 2013

Islam divided against itself, article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair in Mediterranean Studies - RSCAS/SPS department. The Malay Mail, 26 February 2013

It's Not About Us, article quoting Olivier Roy, Joint Chair in Mediterranean Studies - RSCAS/SPS department. Foreign Policy, 20 February 2013  

DuncanMcDonnellItalianos vão às urnas nos dias 24 e 25, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. Metro - Brazil, 19 February on page 8.
Prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro

Who Should Control Europe’s Media? by Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro, Joint Chair in European Law - RSCAS/LAW Department; Director of the Global Governance Programme; Coordinator of the "Modes of Global Governance" Research Strand (GGP). Project Syndicate, 19 February 2013


DuncanMcDonnellNo laughing matter, by Duncan McDonnell, SPS Marie Curie Fellow. NewStatesman, 15 February 2013

L’eredità di Ratzinger tra scandali e tensioni con Obama by Pasquale Annicchino, Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Linkiesta, 14 February 2013


DonatellaDellaPortaI movimenti possono sostituire i partiti?, a video interview to Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology, SPS Department. Radio, 14 February 2013

Should companies take responsibility for repression? by Wenzel Michalski, German director at Human Rights Watch, and Ben Wagner, EUI Researcher. CNN, 13 February 2013


Will Monte Paschi banking scandal throw open Italy's election race? quoting Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow. CNN, 12 February 2013
Pasquale FerraraLa Chiesa nel mondo post-europeo, by Pasquale Ferrara, EUI secretary general. Aspenia, 12 February 2013

Una società civile senza protesta? by Donatella della Porta, Professor of Sociology, SPS Department. Radio Ondarossa, 9 February 2013

Quell'idea distorta di società civile, by Donatella della PortaIl Manifesto, 6 February 2013


Resolve the Real Greek Crisis, opinion piece by Anna Triandafyllidou, Programme Director and Research Strand Coordinator of the "Cultural Diversity" Research Strand ( Global Governance Programme) and Director of the ACCEPT PLURALISM project, RSCAS. The New York Times, 6 February 2013



The intervention trap, by Olivier Roy, Joint Chair in Mediterranean Studies - RSCAS/SPS Department. New Statesman, 31 January 2013; Italian version:  La trappola dell’interventoInternazionale, 8 February 2013


Prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro

Media freedom debate starts here. Letter to the editors by Luís Miguel Poiares Maduro, Joint Chair in European Law - RSCAS/LAW Department; Director of the Global Governance Programme; Coordinator of the "Modes of Global Governance" Research Strand ( GGP). Financial Times, 29 January 2013

financial times

Mattias Kumm"Eine parlamentarisch verantwortliche Regierung für Europa“, by Mattias Kumm, visiting Professor, EUI. Verfassungsblog, 23 January 2013

Lange konfliktlinjer by Jenny Holmsen, Researcher, SPS Department. VG, 24 January 2013

Algeries blodige fortid,  by Jenny Holmsen, Researcher, SPS Department. NRK, 18 January 2013

Ulrich Krotz

Le déclin de la France, une menace majeure pour le couple franco-allemand, by Ulrich Krotz, Joint Chair in International Relations - RSCAS/SPS Department , and Joachim Schild, Professor of Political Sciences, Trèves. Le Monde, 22 January 2013


Marimon7La importancia de hacer Estado, by Ramon Marimon, Director of the Max Weber Programme and Professor of Economics. El País, 16 January 2013

Shared fate of merchant and investment banks, an interview to Youssef Cassis, Joint Chair in Economic History, RSCAS/HEC Department. Financial Times, 8 January 2013

financial times

DuncanMcDonnellSilvio Berlusconi needs wise old trainer to say it's all over , by Duncan McDonnell, Marie Curie Fellow, The Australian, 4 January 2013 


Page last updated on 09 September 2019

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