Close sidebar Home » Research » Library » FAQs » Library Account Closure Open sidebar menu FAQs about Library Account Closure What needs to be done as a Library user when leaving the Institute? Before leaving the Institute, you should: View your Library account to check if you have items on loan or fines to pay Return all borrowed library items (books, CDs, locker-keys, etc.) Pay any outstanding fines. How to pay library fines. Empty your locker, if you have one What happens if I still have items on loan when I leave the EUI? You can contact [email protected] for all queries. You should return all items, even if late. You will be fined for overdue items, and charged replacement costs for seriously overdue items. What happens if I do not empty my locker at the time of my departure? Your locker will be emptied and you will be fined for unreturned locker keys. What happens if I do not pay my Library fines at the time of my departure? Any outstanding fines may be deducted from final settlement payments directly by another EUI service. If any outstanding fines remain on your account, you will have to pay these in full before your Library account can be reactivated (for those returning to the EUI). Do I need to settle Library matters in order to receive diplomas and certificates by Academic Service? You must pay all outstanding fines in order to receive certificates and diplomas from Academic Service. Will my end-of-contract payment be delayed if I have outstanding issues with the Library? Yes. You should check your Library account near the end of your contract and ensure that you have no outstanding issues. Page last updated on 13 January 2025