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Workshops and group work

Basic Mindfulness

The Basic Mindfulness group is a weekly 6-sessions experiential course that introduces the principles and practice of Mindfulness.

The course aims to work on:

  • the history and evidence base for mindfulness
  • basic techniques of mindfulness
  • developing mindful moments in your daily routines
  • which techniques are most useful to you in your everyday lives

Dates, invitation and procedure to join the course are communicated via email to members of the EUI community

Process groups

Process groups are a rolling programme of monthly groups on themes that are frequently hurdles to a happy and successful academic career.

With process groups, we hope to create a safe supportive space in which participants can share the difficulties that they have experienced in academia and strategies that have been found helpful to overcome these difficulties. The groups are facilitated by members of the Counselling and Wellbeing Service, and each participant will be welcome and free to share their experiences and strategies.

Topics of the process groups are:

  1. Imposter Syndrome
  2. Managing academia and the rest of life
  3. Exam stress
  4. Procrastination
  5. Perfectionism
  6. Not being good enough
  7. Giving and receiving feedback
  8. Prioritising and goal setting
  9. Decision making and fear of missing out
  10. Transitions
  11. Job applications
  12. Academic loneliness

The groups are run via zoom and people are free to sign up for one or more groups. Dates, invitation and procedure to join the groups are communicated via email to members of the EUI community

Resilience in academia

Working in an academic environment is challenging and sometimes stress-inducing due to many factors. Academic Resilience refers to the ability of researchers to succeed despite difficulties, setbacks, and unexpected events that may arise during the research work.

This is a 90-minute, interactive workshop. We will look together at the most typical challenges of the academic environment and present different strategies to respond more effectively to them.

Topics include:

  • Finding a good working routine
  • Developing good boundaries around academic work
  • Tending the supervisory relationship
  • Recognising the difference between helpful and unhelpful feedback
  • Welcoming the feedback process
  • Managing academic rejection

At the end of the workshop you will be able to identify your personal skills and resources and to implement effective coping strategies to navigate the challenging academic environment.

Dates, invitation and procedure to join the workshop are communicated via email to members of the EUI community

Page last updated on 04/07/2022

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