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Research project

Review of the Integrated Postal Reform and Development Plan (IPDP) and Postal Reform Guide, and development of related training modules - Review of the Integrated Postal Reform and Development Plan and Postal Reform Guide

The objective of this research project is to enhance the relevance and impact of the Integrated Postal Reform and Development Plan (IPDP) and the Postal Reform Guide (PRG). This involves a thorough revision and modernisation of both content and design to ensure these materials effectively support postal reforms, especially in developing countries. The research team will also develop related training material.

This project is funded by the Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Launched in 2005, the Integrated Postal Reform and Development Plan (IPDP) supported by the Postal Reform Guide (PRG), aims to assist Universal Postal Union member countries to improve and sustain their postal and logistical services.

Given the constant evolution of the postal sector, and significant developments over the past five years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of e-commerce, and the entry of tech companies into delivery services, these documents must be reviewed and updated to address new challenges and opportunities.

This project will systematically revise the IPDP and PRG to produce modern, actionable, and user-friendly materials that support sustainable postal reforms worldwide. By addressing the specific needs of developing countries and incorporating recent sector developments, the revised documents will enhance the capability of policy makers to implement effective postal reforms.

Key objectives of the updated IPDP and PRG:

  • Modernisation and Optimisation: Align postal services with the evolving needs of society and the changing business environment.
  • Sustainability: Develop a financially sustainable postal system that generates new revenue streams beyond traditional mail services without compromising universal postal services.
  • Customisation and practicality: Provide actionable and tailored recommendations for policy makers, especially in developing countries, while considering structural differences between industrialized and developing countries.
  • Usability: Simplify, streamline, and enhance the PRG to make it more user-friendly, practical, and action-oriented.

Expected Deliverables:

  • A significantly shorter and more accessible version of the PRG.
  • A modernised IPDP reflecting current postal sector challenges and opportunities.
  • Enhanced training materials aligned with the revised documents.
  • A user-friendly design with improved navigation and visual aids.

The team

Group members

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