The project received funding by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), Grant Agreement number 785683.
What is Spaceu2019?
Spaceu2019 is the first pillar of an online tool for the 2019 European Parliamentary (EP) Elections, specifically tailored for mobile EU citizens voting either in their country of citizenship or residence, in a moment where the European transnational voting space has become ever more important. In a nutshell, it is an interactive database informing users on their electoral rights and to allow them to compare the conditions and requirements for participating in the political process of their country of residence or citizenship. The second pillar is euandi2019, a Voting Advice Application (VAA) helping citizen find the political party that best matches their policy preferences.
What is the goal of Spaceu2019?
The main objective of both pillars was to create a more aware European-wide, politically active citizenry, therefore making the EP elections more relevant and transnational. This also may have helped getting citizens out to vote, given that EP elections are traditionally prone to particularly low levels of turnout. The main target group were EU mobile citizens as well as those with a dual citizenship, but also European citizens at large as this device is open to all and gives useful information on how to vote, and which parties are the best match, to static citizens as well.