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Events Unit
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Events Unit

Your experts in planning and organising special events at the EUI

The Events Team within the Communications Service manages The State of the Union in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

We also design and organise key events in the EUI calendar including the June Ball, the Welcome Reception, the Christmas event, and events for the PhD campaign and alumni.

We offer our expertise, gained over 10 years of successful event organisation, to the EUI community through sharing best practices in fundraising, budget and facilities management, logistics and venue selection, risk management analysis, research into new technologies, invitation and registration workflows, branding and graphics, advertising campaigns, partner and media relations, staffing, protocol and security procedures and post-event statistical analysis.

We work closely with the office of the President and the Secretary-General and help to build mutually beneficial relationships between the EUI and its public.

The State of the Union

The State of the Union (SOU) is an annual summit for high-level reflection on the European Union, which acts as a bridge between academia and policymaking at the highest level in Europe.

Each year in May, Florence becomes a hub of debate as experts of great institutional and academic relevance, business and opinion leaders, and representatives of civil society gather to discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing Europe and Europeans. The conference serves as an annual team building exercise for the entire EUI community as internal experts across all departments and services contribute their skills to deliver an event of international resonance.

Visit the State of the Union Website

The Events Team

Page last updated on 19/02/2024

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