POLCON > Working Papers and Publications

Project publications


Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt, Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) 2015. The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. New York, Cambridge University Press

Dong, Lisheng, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Daniel Kübler (eds.) 2015. Urban Mobilizations and New Media in Contemporary China, Farnham: Ashgate

Giugni, Marco, and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2017. Jobless Citizens: Political Engagement of the Young Unemployed. London: Palgrave MacMillan

Hutter, Swen, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2019. European party politics in tiems of crisis, New York: Cambridge University Press

Hutter, Swen. 2014. Protesting Culture and Economics in Western Europe: New Cleavages in Left and Right Politics. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press

Hutter, Swen, Edgar Grande and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) 2016. Politicizing Europe. Integration and Mass Politics. Cambrdige, Cambridge University Press

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wueest, and Silja Häusermann, Contention in times of crises. Comparing political protest in 30 European countries, 2000-2015, Cambridge UP, forthcoming

Kriesi, Hanspeter and Mónica Ferrín, How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy, 2016, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Kriesi, Hanspeter and Takis Pappas 2015. European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, Colchester, ECPR Press

David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements" (second edition), Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, 2018.


Peer-reviewed articles

Altiparmakis, Argyrios and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2018. “Disclaiming National Representatives. Protest Waves in Southern Europe during the Crisis”. Party Politics, 24(1): 78-89

Becker, Regina und Swen Hutter. 2017.«Europäisierte Protestlandschaft: Ausmaß und Formen europäisierter Proteste mit deutscher Beteiligung von Maastricht bis zur Eurokrise”. In Leviathan Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften 45. Jg, Sonderheft 33/2017: 37-62.

Braun, Daniela and Swen Hutter. 2016. ”Political trust, extra-representational participation, and the openness of political systems”. International Political Science Review 37(2): 151-16

Braun, Daniela, Swen Hutter, and Alena Kerscher. 2016. “What type of Europe? The salience of polity and policy issues in European Parliament Elections”. European Union Politics 17(4): 570–592

Bremer, Björn, The Political Economy of the SPD Reconsidered:Evidence from the Great RecessionGerman Politics, Feb 2019: pp 1-23

Bremer, Björn and Sean McDaniel, The ideational foundations of social democratic austerity in the context of the great recession, Sociol-Economic Review, 2019, Vol, No. pp. 1-25, doi: 10.1093/ser/mwz001

Bremer, Björn, The missing left? : economic crisis and the programmatic response of social democratic parties in Europe. 2018,Special issue: Party Competition and Political Representation in Crisis: A Comparative Perspective, Guest editors: Nicolo` Conti, Swen Hutter and Kyriaki Nanou, Party Politics, Vol 24, No. 1, Jan 2018: 23-38

Party competition and political representation in crisis: An introductory note. 2018,Special issue: Party Competition and Political Representation in Crisis: A Comparative Perspective, Guest editors: Nicolo` Conti, Swen Hutter and Kyriaki Nanou, Party Politics, Vol 24, No. 1, Jan 2018: 3-0

De Angelis, Andrea, Céline Colombo & Davide Morisi, Taking cues from the government: heuristic versus systematic processing in a constitutional referendum, West European Politics, online

Galais, Carol, and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2017. “Half a Loaf Is (Not) Better than None. How Austerity-related Grievances and Emotions Triggered Protest in Spain”. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 22 (1): 77-95

Grande, Edgar and Swen Hutter. 2016. “Beyond authority transfer: Explaining the politicization of Europe.” West European Politics 39(1): 23-43

Hernandez, Enrique and Hanspeter Kriesi 2016. Turning your back on the EU. The role of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European Parliament electionsElectoral Studies, 44: 515-524 dx:doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2016.04.013

Hernández, Enrique, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2015. The Electoral Consequences of the Financial and Economic Crisis in Europe, European Journal of Political Research 55: 203–224, 2016 203doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12122

Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi, "Politicizing Europe in times of crisis", JEPP, 2019

Hutter, Swen and Endre Borbáth. "Challenges from left and right: the long-term dynamics of protest and electoral politics in Western Europe", European Societies, 2018

Hutter, Swen, Hanspeter Kriesi and Guillem Vidal. 2017. ”Old versus new politics: the political spaces in Southern Europe in times of crises.” Party Politics OnlineFirst DOI:10.1177/1354068817694503

Hutter, Swen and Rens Vliegenthart. 2016. ”Who responds to protest? Protest politics and party responsiveness in Western Europe”. Party Politics DOI:10.1177/1354068816657375

Kriesi, Hanspeter. 2014. "The Populist Challenge." West European Politics 37(2):361-78

Kriesi, Hanspeter, 2018, The implications of the euro crisis for democracy, JEPP, 25(1): 59-82

Kriesi, Hanspeter, 2018. "Revisiting the Populist Challenge",  Politologický casopis; Czech journal of political
science, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 5-27

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Swen Hutter, Abel Bojar, 2019. "Contentious Episode Analysis", Mobilization: An International Journal, 24(3): 251-73

Mobilization Forum: Comments on Kriesi, Hutter, and Bojar, 2019, Mobilization: An International Journal, 24(3): 274-92

Lorenzini, Jasmine, and Matteo Bassoli. 2016. "Gender Ideology: The Last Barrier to Women’s Participation in Political Consumerism?", International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 56(6) 460-83

Lorenzini, Jasmine, and Marco Giugni, 2015, "Welfare Institutions, Resources, and Political Learning: Interacting with the State as an Incentive for the Political Participation of Long-Term Unemployed Youth". Partecipazione e Conflitto 8 (3): 834-44

Lorenzini, Jasmine. 2015. "Subjective Well-Being and Political Participation: A Comparison of Unemployed and Employed Youth." Journal of Happiness Studies, 16 (2): 381-404

Malet, Giorgio and Hanspeter Kriesi, 2019. "Economic shocks and the cost of ruling: evidence from Italy", Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2019: 1-20

Malet, Giorgio, 2017 Italy's second political earthquale. In 2013 as in 1994, popular dissatisfaction led to political realignment, Inroads, 2017: 72-77

Vidal, Guillem, Challenging business as usual? The rise of new parties in Spain in times of crisis, WEP, Oct 2017, online first

Party competition and political representation in crisis: a comparative perspective2018, Conti, Nicolò, Hutter, Swen, Nanu, Kyriaki, Special issue of Party politics, 2018, Vol. 24, No. 1

Schulte-Cloos, Julia. 2018. "Do European Parliament elections foster challenger parties' success on the national level?", EUP, Vol. 19(3): 408-26.

Schwarzbözl Et Al, "How party-linked issues vary between election manifestos and media debates", WEP 2019


Conference Proceedings

Makarov, Peter, Jasmine Lorenzini, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2016. "Constructing an Annotated Corpus for Protest Event Mining." Proceedings of 2016 EMNLP Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, pages 102-107, Austin, TX, November 5, 2016


Handbook chapters

Hutter S. (2019) Quantitative Inhaltsanalyse. In: Wagemann C., Goerres A., Siewert M. (eds) Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Hutter, Swen, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Jasmine Lorenzini, "Social Movements in Interactionwith Political Parties", The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, Second Edition. Edited by David A. Snow,Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon.© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd., pp. 322-37

Giugni, Marco, and Jasmine Lorenzini. Forthcoming. "The Politics of Economic Crisis: From Voter Retreat to the Rise of New Populisms" in Thomas Janoski, Cedric de Leon, Joya Misra, and Isaac Martin (eds.) The New Handbook of Political Sociology, New York: Cambridge University Press

Giugni, Marco, and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2016. "Quiescent or Invisible? Precarious and Unemployed Movements in Europe." in Social Movement Studies in Europe: The State of the Art, In Guya Accornero and Olivier Filleule (eds.). New York: Berghahn Books

Hutter, Swen, Kriesi, Hanspeter, and Jasmine Lorenzini. "Social Movements in Interaction with Political Parties." In David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly McCammon (eds.),The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2018: 322-37

Hutter, Swen, and Jasmine Lorenzini. Forthcoming. "Political Participation." In Fathali M. Moghaddam (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, London: Sage

Kriesi, Hanspeter, et Al, "Introduction: Mapping and Opening Up the Terrain",  In David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly McCammon (eds.),The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2018: 1-16.


Book chapters

Baglioni, Simone, Jasmine Lorenzini, and Lorenzo Mosca. 2014. "The Political Role of Civil Society in the Policy Field of Youth Unemployment and Precarious Working Conditions." Pp. 13-31 In Simone Baglioni and Marco Giugni (eds.) Civil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy, London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt, and Hanspeter Kriesi 2015. Introduction: The Politics of Advanced Capitalism, pp. 1-64 In Pablo Beramendi et al (eds.), The Politics of Advanced Capitalism, edited by ., Cambridge U. Press

Beramendi, Pablo, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt, and Hanspeter Kriesi 2015. Conclusion: Advanced Capitalism in Crisis, pp. 381-403 in The Politics of Advanced Capitalism, New York: Cambridge University Press

Bremer Björn & Guillem Vidal 2018. From Boom to Bust: A Comparative Analysis of Greece and Spain under Austerity. In E. Doxiadis & A. Placas (eds.), Living Under Austerity: Greek Society in Crisis. New York: Berhhahn Books

Grande, Edgar and Hanspeter Kriesi 2015. The restructuring of political conflict in Europe and the politicization of European integration, pp. 190-223 I Thomas Risse (ed) European Public Spheres. Politics Is Back, New York: Cambridge University Press

Häusermann, Silja and Hanspeter Kriesi 2015. What Do Voters Want? Dimensions and Configurations in Individual-Level Preferences and Party Choice, pp. 202-230 In Pablo Beramendi et al (eds.) The Politics of Advanced Capitalism, New York: Cambridge University Press

Kriesi, Hanspeter 2016 Mobilization of protest in the age of austerity, In Marcos Ancelovici, Pascale Dufour, and Héloïse Nez (eds), Street politics in the age of austerity : from indignados to occupy, Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2016, pp. 67-90 ISBN: 9789089647634; 9789048525461, DOI: 10.5117/9789089647634

Kriesi, Hanspeter 2016. Mobilization of protest in the age of austerity, pp. 67-90 in Street Politics int he Age of Austerity. From the Indignados to Occupy, edited by Marcos Ancelovici, Pascale Dufour and Héloïse Nez, Amsterdam, Amsterdam UP

Kriesi, Hanspeter. 2014. "The Political Consequences of the Economic Crises in Europe: Electoral Punishment and Popular Protest." Pp. 297-333 In Nancy Bermeo and Larry M. Bartels (eds.) Mass Politics in Tough Times: Opinions, Votes and Protest in the Great Recession, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Kübler, Daniel, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Lisheng Dong 2015. Introduction, pp. 1-18 in Dong, Lisheng et al. (eds.), Urban Mobilizations and New Media in Contemporary China, Farnham: Ashgate

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Daniel Kübler and Lisheng Dong  2015. Conclusion, pp. 167-182 in Dong, Lisheng et al. (eds.), Urban Mobilizations and New media in contemporary China, Farnham: Ashgate

Lorenzini, Jasmine. 2016. "Les jeunes profitent-ils du chômage." In Lloren, Anouk, Tavaglione, Nicolas, and Laurent Tischler (eds.) Les étrangers volent-ils notre travail? Et quatorze autres questions impertinentes, Genève: Labor et Fides

Lorenzini, Jasmine, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi 2016. The restructuring of the Western Eruopean Party space int he crisis: a comparative study of Austria, France and Germany, pp. 241-69 In Pablo Iglesias-Rodríguez , Anna Triandafyllidou and Ruby Gropas,After the financial crisis. Shifting legal, economic and political paradigms, London: Palgrave-Macmillan

Lorenzini, Jasmine and Marco Giugni. 2016. "Long-Term Unemployed Youth in Switzerland: Coping with Exclusion from the Labor Market in a Country with Low Unemployment" In Lahusen, Christian and Marco Giugni (eds.). Experiencing Long-Term Unemployment in Europe: Youth on the Edge. London: Palgrave


Book reviews

Hutter, Swen, and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2015. Hein-Anton van der Heijden (ed.). Handbook of Political Citizenship and Social Movements. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2014. $290.00 (cloth). In Mobilization, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 401-413


Related Publications

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Martin Dolezal, Marc Helbling, Dominic Höglinger, Swen Hutter, and Bruno Wüest. 2012. Political Conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press

Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier, and Timotheos Frey. 2008. West European Politics in the Age of Globalization. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press


Work in progress


Kriesi, Hanspeter. (forthcoming). "Party Systems, Electoral Systems and Social Movements."

Kriesi, Hanspeter. (forthcoming). "Political Mobilization in Times of Crises: The Relationship Between Economic and Political Crises."

Kriesi, Hanspeter and Takis Pappas. (forthcoming). "Chapter 1: Populism in Europe during crisis: an introduction."

Latest News
Prize award to Julia Schulte-Cloos

Prize award to Julia Schulte-Cloos

Julia Schulte-Cloos received the SAGE award for her contribution for the the best article published in European Union Politics, Volume 1

Page last updated on 29 October 2019