EduLIFE > People > Sandra Büchler

Sandra Büchler

Sandra Buchler majored in sociology and German at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia), before completing a first class Honours degree at the same university. The title of her honours dissertation was “Casual employment in Australia, the influence of employment contract on financial wellbeing and job satisfaction”. Upon completing honours, Sandra joined a joint Australian Research Council and FaHCSIA (Federal Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs) funded research project. Her doctoral dissertation, which was undertaken within the frame of this project, examined the characteristics, transitions and outcomes associated with cohabitation in Australia.  She is currently employed at the Chair of Sociology I at the University of Bamberg.

Her primary interests include families and households, cohabitation, gender, education, longitudinal research, life course research and quantitative methods.

Full Profile at the University of Bamberg

Page last updated on 18 July 2019