Differences in Secondary Education and their Short- and Longer-Term Effects on Inequalities of Educational Opportunities(November 27th-28th, 2014)

Phase 3 of the ERC project ‘Education as a Lifelong Process – Comparing Educational Trajectories in Modern Societies’ (eduLIFE) examines how the organization of secondary education in modern school systems affects educational and social inequalities in the early life. This phase of the project compares 16 in-depth country-specific case studies. The comparative design of the study includes European countries such as Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, England, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark, Estonia, and Hungary but also Australia, Israel, Russia, and the United States. Overall, more than 50 scholars participate in this research phase.
More than 50 researchers from all over the world attended the 6th eduLIFE workshop (“Differences in Secondary Education and their Short- and Longer-Term Effects on Inequalities of Educational Opportunities”) that took place in the Badia Fiesolana of the EUI on November 27th and 28th of November, 2014. The conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz, Dr. Jan Skopek, and Dr. Moris Triventi. The project phase yielded manifold insights to the question of how different models of secondary schooling contribute to the emergence of social inequalities. Particularly, the comparative findings of eduLIFE are based on state-of-the-art longitudinal data from various countries and challenge standard results on the effects of tracking based on cross-sectional data. Results will be published in a book volume “Secondary Education Models and Social Inequalities: An International Comparison”, which is forthcoming.