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Research Highlight_March_202


Women across borders: Minja Bujaković on the power of transnational emancipation

On occasion of International Women's Day and Women's History Month, EUI History researcher Minja Bujaković discusses her research on the activities of the 1920s Communist Women’s International and how it relates to the transnational dimension of current emancipation struggles.

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Stephanie Hofmann EUI


Stephanie Hofmann on global governance, security, and digital policy

What are the challenges multilateralism faces? How will Trump’s re-election reshape international institutions? Is offering candy the secret to high attendance at seminars? In this interview, Professor Stephanie Hofmann discusses her research, her advisory roles, and her hooks for engagement.

Read moreStephanie Hofmann on global governance, security, and digital policy
Blurry people walking in an office.


Tailored to women, provided to men? An interview with Maik Hamjediers

Why are female-dominated jobs less likely to offer flexible working time arrangements, despite work-life balance policies? New research by Maik Hamjediers shows that gendered views on caregiving and work commitment fuel this gap, challenging the idea that flexible work policies always promote gender equality.

Read moreTailored to women, provided to men? An interview with Maik Hamjediers

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Africa’s governance crossroads: A new dawn or the same old chaos?

Gilbert A. Ang’ana

In this article for Black History Month 2025, Policy Leader Fellow Gilbert A. Ang’ana calls for embracing responsible negotiation as a good governance principle in African countries to lead the way towards a stable and prosperous future for Africa.

Read moreAfrica’s governance crossroads: A new dawn or the same old chaos?

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A week that felt like a decade: Europe reels from J.D. Vance’s speech in Munich

“In that one moment, all the pillars of transatlantic relations—shared values, mutual respect—were smashed to smithereens.” This is how EUI Prof Trine Flockhart described the impact of US Vice President Vance’s speech at the Munich Security Conference, a moment many see as a turning point in EU-US relations.

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