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Department of Law

We are European and international in character

Book Workshop

Research Highlights

Continuing the Conversation "Of Law and the World"

Join David Kennedy (Harvard Law School) and Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki) for an insightful workshop exploring their book 'Of Law and the World.' Delve into critical discussions on international law's impact on power dynamics, history, and political economy. Engage directly with the authors and fellow researchers over one and a half days of stimulating dialogue.

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Research focuses on the challenges facing European law, public international law, and private law, looking at cultural, political, and economic topics.


Omar Barghouti and Revital Madar: Palestine, academia and ethical responsibility

In this interview, Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and Revital Madar, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the EUI, discuss the role universities have played in denying Palestinians’ fundamental rights and outline the path towards change.

Read more Omar Barghouti and Revital Madar: Palestine, academia and ethical responsibility

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Video Spotlight

Presidents' Panel: A celebration of Bruno De Witte

The EUI PhD programme in Law

Why study Law at the EUI?

Department of Law

Villa Salviati

Pedestrian access: Via Bolognese 156 / Via Faentina 261
Car access: Via Salviati 3B

50139 Firenze (FI)

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