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Ten years of the Media Pluralism Monitor

Latest report highlights alarming trends on press freedom in Europe

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Research at the EUI

Interdisciplinary, international, innovative.

We ask fundamental questions about human society and investigate complex, real-world problems.

Intellectual creativity and debate thrive at the EUI through collaborative projects, workshops and webinars, conferences and outreach events, and summer schools and executive training.

Our research embraces interdisciplinary, comparative or contextual approaches, and many of our initiatives have a specifically European perspective.

Creative collaborations, vital impacts

Explore our projects, working groups and Interdisciplinary Research Clusters

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Latest publications

Updated 05 July 2024

EUI scholars produce over 1,000 publications each year, offering insights into complex, real-world problems and fundamental questions about human society. Our repository holds refereed articles and books, reports and datasets.

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Deterring AI from committing crimes, an interview with Elina Nerantzi

If AI commits a crime, who is to blame? Perhaps no one. However, AI can be deterred by internalising criminal sanctions as costs. In an interview, EUI Law Researcher Elina Nerantzi discusses her paper ‘Hard AI Crime: The Deterrence Turn’, which shifts the AI crime discussion from blame to deterrence.

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Villa Schifanoia building lower terrace

Research at the Robert Schuman Centre

We conduct basic and applied research to address real-world problems. The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies has 9 programmes on themes from energy regulation to migration, to media pluralism to global governance. See video playlists below.

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Students profile in library

EUI’s Research Repository

Publications and research data produced by the EUI’s scholarly community include special thematic collections and over 3,000 EUI theses.

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EUI’s Research Blog – EUIdeas

Explore evidence-driven contributions from EUI scholars on a wide range social, political, legal, and economic issues. See special collections on Black History Month and on war in Ukraine.

Read more EUI’s Research Blog – EUIdeas
Photo of Magnolia tree at the European University Institute

Interdisciplinary Research Clusters

Cross-campus interdisciplinary research that focuses on six interrelated themes of high societal interest: Democracy, Environment, Inequality, Digital Transformations, the Crisis of Expertise, and Finance and Society.

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Dean of Research

"The EUI hosts a world-class and international research community, and we strive to develop and nurture its full potential to bridge theoretical and applied research with the world of practice and policy."

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Research Support

We coordinate, systematise and broaden high-quality support for EUI faculty and researchers. Consult our pages for resources on the planning and grantseeking phase, collaboration across campus, or the reporting and dissemination of research results.

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Department research profiles

Excellent research is at the heart of all postgraduate training.
Explore the research profile of the EUI's four PhD-granting departments and discover how our work is shifting the knowledge frontier in the social sciences and informing policy worldwide.

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