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Working group

PEWG - Political Economy Working Group

The Political Economy Working Group (PEWG) is the opportunity for EUI members to meet and discuss political economy research. It is intended to serve as an informal platform for all researchers, faculty members, and fellows interests in political economy to exchange views and discuss cutting-edge developments in the field.

In our sessions, EUI members as well as external scholars present their own (soon to be) published research. This means you will be able to meet scholars not affiliated with the EUI and join the discussion on their research, but also to receive feedback from others on your own work – whether already finished or still in progress.

The PEWG covers a wide range of topics, such as labour markets and welfare states, economic integration, regime varieties and institutional change, crises, trade relations, finance, and central banking. Both comparative and international political economy perspectives are welcome and we are not limited to a particular theoretical approach. We normally convene once a month on Mondays from 17h until 18h30, except of course during holidays. If you would like to join the PEWG and contribute as a presenter of your own work or as a participant in the discussions, please contact us via either 

[email protected] or [email protected].

We will add you to our mailing list so that you will stay informed about any new upcoming events. 

Become a member

*** We warmly invite everyone interested in attending the presentations or holding one yourself! ***

The team

Group members

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