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CLIC project, Journal articles & book chapters

Latest publications:

  • Brunori, C. (2024), Unhealthy Assimilation or Compositional Differences? Disentangling Immigrants' Mental Health Trajectories with Residence Duration. Population and Development Review.

  • Ferrara, A., Grindel, C., & Brunori, C. (2024). A longitudinal perspective to migrant health: Unpacking the immigrant health paradox in Germany. Social Science & Medicine, 351, 116976.

  • Passaretta, G., & Skopek, J. (2021). Does Schooling Decrease Socioeconomic Inequality in Early Achievement? A Differential Exposure Approach. American Sociological Review.

  • Jonsson, M., Härkönen, J., Ljungman, P., Nordberg, P., Ringh, M., Hirlekar, G., Rawshani, A., Herlitz, J., Ljung, R., & Hollenberg, J. (2021). Inequalities in income and education are associated with survival differences after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - a nationwide observational study. Circulation, 144(24), 1915-1925.

  • Lindberg, M., Nolvi, S., Härkönen, J., Aatsinki, A.-K., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., & Uusitupa, H.-M. (2021). Associations between maternal socioeconomic, psychosocial and seasonal factors, infant characteristics and human milk cortisol concentrations. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(6), e23561.

  • Espadafor, M., & Martínez, S. (2021). The negative consequences of sports betting opportunities on human capital formation: Evidence from Spain. PLoS ONE, 16(10), e0258857.

  • Cozzani, M., Triventi, M., & Bernardi, F. (2021). Maternal Stress and Pregnancy Outcomes. Evidence from a Natural Experiment: the 2004 Madrid Train Bombing. European Sociological Review.

  • Bernardi, F., Cozzani, M., & Zanasi, F. (2021). Social inequality and the risk of living in a nursing home: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. Genus.

  • Borgonovi, F., Ferrara, A., & Piacentini, M. (2021). Performance decline in a low-stakes test at age 15 and educational attainment at age 25: Cross-country longitudinal evidence. Journal of Adolescence.

  • Watson, D., Grotti, R., Whelan, C. T., & Maître, B. (2021). Welfare Regime Variation in the Impact of the Great Recession on Deprivation Levels: A Dynamic Perspective on Polarisation vs Convergence for Social Risk Groups, 2005–2014. Journal of Social Policy.

  • Bernardi, F., & Cozzani, M. (2021). Soccer Scores, Short-Term Mood and Fertility. European Journal of Population. doi:10.1007/s10680-021-09576-2

  • Cozzani, M., Aradhya, S., Goisis, A., The cognitive development from childhood to adolescence of low birthweight children born after medically assisted reproduction—a UK longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2021.

  • Bernardi, F., & Gil-Hernández, C. J. (2021). The Social-Origins Gap in Labour Market Outcomes: Compensatory and Boosting Advantages Using a Micro-Class Approach. European Sociological Review, 37(1), 32-48.

  • Härkönen, J., Brons, M. D., & Dronkers, J. (2021). Family forerunners? Parental separation and partnership formation in 16 countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(1), 119-136.

  • Morosow, K., Jalovaara, M., & Härkönen, J. (2021). Cash-for-care use and union dissolution in Finland. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(1), 209-227.

  • Kotimäki, S., Härkönen, J., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., & Scheinin, N. (2020). Educational differences in prenatal anxiety and depressive symptoms and the role of childhood circumstances. SSM – Population Health, 12, 100690.

  • Monti, A. F., Mussino, E., Drefahl, S., & Härkönen, J. (2020). Over-coverage in population registers leads to bias in demographic estimates. Population Studies, 74(3), 451-469.
  • Skopek, J., & Passaretta, G. (2020). Socioeconomic inequality in children’s achievement from infancy to adolescence: The case of Germany. Social Forces.

  • Brandén, M., Aradhya, S., Kolk, M., Härkönen, J., Drefahl, S., Malmberg, B., Rostila, M., Cederström, A., Andersson, G., & Mussino, E. (2020). Residential context and COVID-19 mortality among adults aged 70 years and older in Stockholm: a population-based, observational study using individual-level data. The Lancet Healthy Longevity.

  • Härkönen, J., & Sirniö, O. (2020). Educational transitions and educational inequality: A multiple pathways sequential logit model analysis of Finnish birth cohorts 1960-85. European Sociological Review, 36(5), 700-719.

  • Porthan, E., Lindberg, M., Ekholm, E., Scheinin, N. M., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., & Härkönen, J. (2020). Parental divorce in childhood does not independently predict maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, 520.

  • Settersten, R. A., Jr., Bernardi, L., Härkönen, J., et al. (2020). Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens. Advances in Life Course Research, 45, 100360.

  • Jonsson, M., Lungman, P., Härkönen, J., Van Nieuwenhuisen, B., Møller, S., Ringh, M., & Nordberg, P. (2020). Relationship between socioeconomic status and incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is dependent on age. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(9), 726-731.

  • Bucca, M., & Urbina, D. (Forthcoming). Lasso regularization for selection of log-linear models: an application to educational assortative mating. Sociological Methods and Research. 2019 Clifford Clogg Best Paper award from the American Sociological Association’s section on Methodology.

  • Molina, M., Bucca, M., & Macy, M. (2019). It's not just how the game is played, it's whether you win or lose. Science Advances, 5(7). Vol. 5, no. 7. Media coverage: New York Times, Washington Post, New Scientist, Science Daily, Cornell Chronicle, and others.

  • O'Reilly, J., Grotti, R., & Russell, H. (2019). Are some sectors more "youth friendly" than others? Employment regimes, sectors, and gender disparities in the Great Recession. Human Resource Management Journal, 29, 490-508.

  • Grotti, R., & Cutuli, G. (2018). xtpdyn: A community-contributed command for fitting dynamic random-effects probit models with unobserved heterogeneity. The Stata Journal, 18(4), 844-862.

  • Gil-Hernández, C. J. (2019). Do well-off families compensate for low cognitive ability? Evidence on social inequality in early schooling from a twin study. Sociology of Education, 92(2).

  • Bernardi, F., & Boertien, D. (2019). Same-sex parents and children’s school progress: An association that disappeared over time. Demography.

  • Bernardi, F., Boertien, D., & Geven, K. (2018). Childhood family structure and the accumulation of wealth across the life course. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(1), 230-247.

  • Gil-Hernández, C. J., Bernardi, F., Luijkx, R., & Salazar, L. (December, 2019). Intergenerational social mobility in Spain between 1945 and 2006: Social fluidity without educational equalization? In R. Breen & W. Mueller (Eds.), Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

  • Jonsson, M., Härkönen, J., Ljungman, P., Rawshani, A., Nordberg, P., Svensson, L., Herlitz, J., & Hollenberg, J. (2018). Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with area-level socioeconomic status. Heart.

  • Bernardi, F., & Triventi, M. (2018). Compensatory advantage in educational transitions: Trivial or substantial? A simulated scenario analysis. Acta Sociologica.

  • Boertien, D., Bernardi, F., & Härkönen, J. (2018). Family Structure and Socioeconomic Inequality of Opportunity in Europe and the United States. unequal family lives, 165.

  • Bernardi, F., Hertel, F. R., & Yastrebov, G. (2018). A U-turn in inequality in college attainment by parental education in the US? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 58, 33-43.

  • Albertini, M., Gähler, M., & Härkönen, J. (2018). Moving back to "mamma"? Divorce, intergenerational coresidence, and latent family solidarity in Sweden. Population, Space and Place, e2142.

  • Brons, M. D., & Härkönen, J. (2018). Parental Education and Family Dissolution: A Cross-National and Cohort Comparison. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(2), 426-443.

  • Boertien, D., & Härkönen, J. (2018). Why does women’s education stabilize marriages? The role of marital attraction and barriers to divorce. Demographic Research, 38, 1241-1276.

  • Härkönen, J., Lindberg, M., Karlsson, L., Karlsson, H., & Scheinin, N. M. (2018). Education is the strongest socio-economic predictor of smoking in pregnancy. Addiction, 113(6), 1117-1126.

  • Lee, N., Morris, K., & Kemeny, T. (2018). Immobility and the Brexit vote. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 11(1), 143-163.

  • Gil-Hernández, C. J., & Gracia, P. (2018). Adolescents' educational aspirations and ethnic background: The case of students of African and Latin American migrant origins in Spain. Demographic Research, 38, 577-618.

  • HärApologies for the interruption. Here are the remaining references with the requested formatting:

  • Härkönen, J. (2018). Single mother poverty: How much do educational differences in single motherhood matter? In Nieuwenhuis, R. & Maldonado, L. (Eds.), The Triple Bind of Single Parent Families (pp. 31-50). Policy Press.

  • Bernardi, F., Chakhaia, L., & Leopold, L. (2017). ‘Sing me a song with social significance’: The (mis) use of statistical significance testing in European sociological research. European Sociological Review, 33(1), 1-15.

  • Bernardi, F., & Boertien, D. (2017). Non-intact families and diverging educational destinies: A decomposition analysis for Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Social science research, 63, 181-191.

  • Grätz, M., & Bernardi, F. (2017). Parental responses to disadvantageous life events: the month of birth penalty in England. Social Inequality Across the Generations: The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation, 68.

  • Bernardi, F., & Boertien, D. (2017). Explaining conflicting results in research on the heterogeneous effects of parental separation on children’s educational attainment according to social background. European Journal of Population, 33(2), 243-266.

  • Härkönen, J., Bernardi, F., & Boertien, D. (2017). Family dynamics and child outcomes: An overview of research and open questions. European Journal of Population, 33(2), 163-184.

  • Giuliani, G., & Duvander, A. Z. (2017). Cash‐for‐care policy in Sweden: An appraisal of its consequences on female employment. International Journal of Social Welfare, 26(1), 49-62.

  • Gil-Hernández, C. J., Marqués-Perales, I., & Fachelli, S. (2017). Intergenerational social mobility in Spain between 1956 and 2011: The role of educational expansion and economic modernisation in a late industrialised country. Research in social stratification and mobility, 51, 14-27.

  • Education, Occupation and Social Origin. A Comparative Analysis of the Transmission of Socio-Economic Inequalities
    Edited by Fabrizio Bernardi (European University Institute) and Gabriele Ballarino (University of Milan)
    This innovative book takes a comparative approach to the social origin–education–destination triangle (OED), looking at the intergenerational transmission of advantage in 14 countries. The intention is to debate the claim that education is the ‘great social equalizer’. The contributors examine the relation between family background, education and occupational achievement over time and across educational levels, focusing on the relationship between individuals’ social origins and their income and occupational outcomes. It will be of interest to academics and students of social policy and those interested in social inequalities and their reproduction over time.
    Table of Contents 

  • Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality. An international perspective
    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Nevena Kulic, Jan Skopek and Moris Triventi
    The fourth book in the eduLIFE Lifelong Learning Series, to be published by Edward Elgar, provides a cross country comparison of access to early education and childcare, and an evaluation of its short and long term effects on individuals from different social backgrounds.
    Table of Contents

  • Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality
    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buccholz, Jan Skopek and Moris Triventi
    The third book in the eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series, to be published by Edward Elgar, focuses on educational differentiation in secondary education and short- and longer-term consequences on social inequality in educational opportunities, achievement and final educational attainment
    Table of Contents

  • Methodological Issues of Longitudinal Surveys – The Example of the National Educational Panel Study
    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, J.von Maurice, M. Bayer and Jan SkopekThis book, published by Springer, addresses a broad array of pressing challenges of longitudinal surveys and provides innovative solutions to methodological problems based on the example of the National Educational Panel Studies (NEPS).

  • Gender, Education, and Employment: An International Comparison of School-To-Work Transitions
    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Jan Skopek, Moris Triventi, and Sandra Buchholz
    The second book in the eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series, 'Gender, Education, and Employment', has just been published by Edward Elgar. This book asks whether or not women have been able to convert their educational success into gains on the labor market. 
  • Adult Learning In Modern Societies Published by Edward Elgar
    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Daniela Vono de Vilhena and Sandra Buchholz
    The first book in the eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series, 'Adult Learning In Modern Societies', has just been published by Edward Elgar. This book will be of great use to both academics and policymakers with an interest in adult learning, sociology, education and inequality, and labor economics.

Blogs & articles

Page last updated on 05/07/2024

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