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Media Pluralism Monitor Final Conference

Discovering the key findings of the 2023 Report

Add to calendar 2023-06-30 09:00 2023-06-30 15:30 Europe/Rome Media Pluralism Monitor Final Conference Hybrid Online and Refectory, Badia Fiesolana YYYY-MM-DD


30 June 2023

9:00 - 15:30 CEST



Online and Refectory, Badia Fiesolana

Join the discussion on the state of media pluralism and media freedom in Europe where the CMPF will present the results of its flagship research project, the Media Pluralism Monitor.

The Media Pluralism Monitor is a scientific tool specifically designed to assess the risks pertaining to media pluralism and media freedom in European member states and candidate countries.

This comprehensive research is based on the analysis of more than 200 variables, covering 20 indicators that feed into four main areas: fundamental protection, market plurality, political independence, and social inclusiveness.

Our country teams of researchers have examined the media landscape in the EU 27, as well as 5 candidate countries (Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). Their analysis delves into critical issues such as ownership concentration, political influence, transparency, and the regulatory framework. Furthermore, this year's report also features a pilot study on Ukraine and Moldova.

During the event, the CMPF research team will present the main findings derived from this implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor research, shedding light on the current trends and challenges faced by European media.

To further enrich the discussion, we are honored to have Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director for Media Policy at the European Commission, deliver a keynote speech. Mr. Abbamonte will discuss the policy responses that are needed to safeguard these fundamental values.

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