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Rethinking Sovereign Debt Sustainability and Crises

Add to calendar 2023-11-28 14:00 2023-11-28 18:45 Europe/Rome Rethinking Sovereign Debt Sustainability and Crises Conference Room Villa La Fonte YYYY-MM-DD


28 November 2023

14:00 - 18:45 CET


Conference Room

Villa La Fonte

Mini-Conference organised jointly by the EUI Department of Economics, the Pierre Werner Chair Programme and EMU Lab.

This mini-conference is the first of a new series of initiatives, aimed at defining a forward-looking theoretical and empirical research agenda on the subject, and identifying new directions for modelling sovereign debt problems in a dialogue with policy analysts and policy makers.

The level of global debt after the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in borrowing costs driven by the recent monetary tightening are generating mounting stress in sovereign debt markets and challenging the existing international financial architecture. Vis-à-vis these developments, the dominant paradigm in the literature is still shaped by the experience with debt crises in the 1980s through 2000.


Dr. Javier Bianchi (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)

Prof. Carlo Galli (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Prof. Almuth Scholl (University of Konstanz)

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