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Historical Archives of the European Union

Exhibition on the history of the Italian Constitution inaugurated in Magione

The Historical Archives of the European Union partnered in the setting-up of the exhibition “La Costituzione si è mossa. Storia e storie attraverso gli anni Sessanta”, which was inaugurated in Magione sul Trasimeno on 2 June and is open to visitors until 3 October 2021.

21 June 2021

La Costituzione si è mossa - mostra

On 2 June, the documentary and photographic exhibition “La Costituzione si è mossa. Storia e storie attraverso gli anni Sessanta” was inaugurated in Magione sul Trasimeno, in the province of Perugia. The exhibition is open to the public at the Torre dei Lambardi until 3 October 2021.

Through documents, testimonies, and photographs, the exhibition illustrates the changes that occurred in Italy between 1960 and 1970 following the implementation of the principles of the Italian Constitution.

The Historical Archives of the European Union partnered in the preparation of the exhibition, organised by the Flamigni Archive with the support of the Municipality of Magione. Other partners included the AAMOD - Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico, Archivio storico della CGIL, Biblioteca archivio Piero Calamandrei, Edizione nazionale delle opere di Aldo Moro, Fondazione Pietro Nenni, Fondazione Gramsci ONLUS, Istituto Luce, Istituto di studi sindacali UIL Italo Viglianesi.

The project was born from the idea of ​​building an interweaving between the heterogeneous documentation preserved in different cultural institutes and illustrating how various actors (politicians, citizens, institutions, movements, and associations) sought to apply the principles expressed in the Italian Constitution, from the events of 1960 up to the launch, in 1970, of the Statute of Workers' Rights. The exhibition itinerary provides also QR codes to access further audio and video content.

The exhibition is open to visitors until 3 October, from Thursday to Sunday, from 10.30am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm.

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Last update: 26 January 2022

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