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Joyce De Coninck is a legal scholar working on 'Relational Human Rights Responsibility' for hybrid modes of transnational cooperative governance. She was previously an Emile Noël Fellow (2021-2022) and scholar in residence at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (2022-2024) at NYU School of Law, where she also held the appointment of adjunct Professor of European Union law. Upon finishing her PhD at Ghent University regarding the EU's human rights responsibility gap in Integrated Border Management (Hart Publishing 2024), Joyce was awarded the three-year FWO Postdoctoral Fellowship for her research on relational human rights responsibility in the domains of environmental law/planetary justice, international trade law, artificial intelligence and platform governance.

Joyce has taught courses and provided guest lectures on international (human rights) law, European Union law, and the law on borders, asylum and migration at various institutions including Ghent University, University of Amsterdam, University of Leiden, Minnesota Law School and the College of Europe.

Research projects, clusters and working groups


  • Grainne DE BÚRCA


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