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Portrait picture of Ruth Rubio Marin

Ruth Rubio Marin

Part-time Professor

Department of History

Part-time Professor

Florence School of Transnational Governance

Part-time Professor

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

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Karolina Klimiuk

Working languages

Spanish, English, Italian

Ruth Rubio Marin

Part-time Professor

Department of History

Part-time Professor

Florence School of Transnational Governance

Part-time Professor

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies


Ruth Rubio Marín is Adjunct Professor at the School of Transnational Governance (STG), where she leads the work on Gender, Diversity and Governance. She is Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Sevilla, as well as the holder of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Interculturalism at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.

Previously, Professor Rubio Marín held a Chair in Comparative Public Law at the European University Institute. She has taught at several other prestigious academic institutions, including Columbia Law School; Princeton University and NYU, where she is a member the Hauser Global Law School Program.

Her research represents an attempt to understand how public law creates categories of inclusion and exclusion around different axes including gender, citizenship, nationality and ethnicity both in peaceful and conflict-ridden contexts. Her publications are mostly in the area of law and gender, constitutional law, citizenship and democracy, immigration law as well as transitional justice.

As a consultant and activist, Professor Rubio Marín has worked for several national and international institutions and agencies, including the UN and the EU, as well as NGOs such as the International Center for Transitional Justice. Currently, she sits at the board of the Global Survivors Fund for Victims of Conflict Related Sexual Violence.

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