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Vanessa Endrejat's research examines how European fiscal and financial governance adapts to financial crises, pandemics and rising geopolitical tensions. As a political economist and sociologist, her curiosity thrives at the intersection of technocratic influence, political interests and technical expertise that shape European governance. During her Max Weber Fellowship, Vanessa will develop a book proposal based on her PhD manuscript. She will also continue her research projects on the European off-balance sheet liabilities of Covid funds and on the underestimated importance of the European insurance sector.

Before coming to the EUI, Vanessa was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), where she was working on the political economy of European off-balance sheet policies, mapping and comparing European and national differences. The project builds on her dissertation, which analysed the biases in European public debt indicators that leave ample room for the growth of off-balance sheet liabilities such as policy banks or public-private partnerships.

Vanessa received her PhD from the University of Cologne and was a member of the International Max Plank Research School in the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE). Prior to her PhD, Vanessa conducted research on European shadow banking regulation at the Center for Sustainable Finance in Europe (SAFE) and on European insurance regulation during her master thesis at the Deutsche Bundesbank. Her work has been published in Competition&Change and the Journal of Economic Policy Reform.

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