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EP-EUI Roundtable - Evidence and Analysis in EU Policy-Making: Concepts, Practice and Governance

The EP-EUI Policy Roundtable on Evidence and Analysis in EU Policy-Making was co-organised by the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and the Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the European Parliament on 7 November 2016, in Florence.

It brought together practitioners and academics who discussed recent developments in evidence-based policy-making together with Professor Ioan Mircea Paşcu, Vice-President of the European Parliament (EP) and Professor Renaud Dehousse, President of the European University Institute (EUI), who jointly provided the concluding remarks of the event. The scientific coordinators of the roundtable were Wilhelm Lehmann, EP Fellow at the EUI and Gaby Umbach, GlobalStat/EUI.





Introduction | EU Policy-Making: Concepts, Practice and Governance

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Brigid Laffan, Director, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI

Panel 1 | Planning and Assessing EU Policies – Practice and Practicability 
Chair and speakers:
Wilhelm Lehmann, Visiting European Parliament Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI
Katia Berti, Head of Sector, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
Christine Kormann, Project leader DIGICOM, EUROSTAT
Daniel Schraad-Tischler, Senior Expert, Bertelsmann Foundation
Gaby Umbach, Director, GlobalStat, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI

Panel 2 | Legitimacy and Accountability of Evidence-Based Policy-Making 
Chair and speakers:
Etienne Bassot, Director, DG European Parliamentary Research Service, European Parliament
Jack Malan, Founding Partner, Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services
Alexandre Stutzmann, Director, Directorate-General for External Policies, European Parliament
Barend van der Meulen, Head of Research, Rathenau Instituut and Professor, Leiden University
Jean-Claude Worms, Chief Executive, European Science Foundation

Panel 3 | The ‘Evidence Turn’ in EU Policy Planning and Legislation – Panacea or Mirage? 
Chair and speakers:
Ioan Mircea Paşcu, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Paul Cairney, Professor of Politics and Public Policy, University of Stirling
David Coen, Professor of Public Policy, University College London
Miguel Maduro, Professor of Law, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI
Anthony Teasdale, Director-General, DG European Parliamentary Research Service, European Parliament

Concluding Remarks | EU Policy-Making: Concepts, Practice and Governance

Renaud Dehousse, President, European University Institute
Ioan Mircea Paşcu, Vice-President of the European Parliament / Professor of International Relations, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest

Page last updated on 05 May 2020

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