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Statistics and Econometrics 1 (ECO-CO-STATS1)


Department ECO
Course category ECO Compulsory courses
Course type Course
Academic year 2024-2025
Term BLOCK 1
Credits 1 (EUI Economics Department)
Contact Simonsen, Sarah

17/09/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

20/09/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

24/09/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

27/09/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

01/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

03/10/2024 8:45-10:45 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

04/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

09/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

10/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

11/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

15/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

17/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

18/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

21/10/2024 8:45-10:45 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

22/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

24/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

25/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

25/10/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

29/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

31/10/2024 11:00-12:00 @ Seminar Room 3rd Floor,V. la Fonte

Enrollment info Contact [email protected] for enrolment details.


The main goal of this Core course is to give an introduction to the basic tools that an econo- metrician needs: the most popular estimation methods; inference and hypothesis testing; asymptotics; simple and multiple regression; instrumental variables.
In addition to the lectures there will be six exercise classes. Examples and applications will be used to illustrate the theoretical content of the course.



Topic 1

Introduction: what is econometrics about; the tool-box of econometrics; the econo- metrics sequence at the EUI; Content of this course.
Estimation: Estimators and estimates; the Method of maximum Likelihood; the Method of Moments.
Larsen and Marx, chapter 5. Casella and Berger, chapter 7 . Lecture notes.

Topic 2

Estimation: Finite sample properties of estimators; Unbiasedness, Efficiency,, Suffi- ciency, Minimum variance estimators; The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound, Invariance.
Larsen and Marx, chapter 5. Casella and Berger, chapter 7 and chapter 5. Lecture notes.

Topic 3

Estimation: Asymptotic properties of estimators; Asymptotic Unbiasedness, Asymp- totic Efficiency, Consistency; Asymptotic Normality
Basic asymptotics: concepts of convergence; Law of Large Numbers; Central Limit theorem; Continuous Mapping Theorem, Slutzky Theorem and Delta Method.
Larsen and Marx, chapter 5. Casella and Berger, chapter 7 and chapter 5. Lecture notes.

Topic 4

Simple regression: The Conditional Expectation Function; The Population Regression Function; The Sample Regression Function; OLS, Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood estimation of a regression; Algebraic and geometric properties of the OLS- MM estimators.
Angrist and Pischke chapter 1, 2 and 3. Wooldridge part 1. Lecture notes.

Topic 5

Simple regression: Goodness of fit and the R-Squared; Statistical Properties of the OLS-MM estimator; The Gauss-Markov Theorem’.
Angrist and Pischke chapter 1, 2 and 3. Wooldridge part 1. Lecture notes.

Topic 6

Simple regression: Causality and Regression.
Angrist and Pischke chapter 1, 2 and 3. Lecture notes.

Topic 7

Multiple regression: The Conditional Independence Assumption; Interpretation of the partial Multiple Regression Coefficient; Multiple Regression in matrix notation; Omit- ted variable bias and inclusion of irrelevant regressors.
Angrist and Pischke chapter 1, 2 and 3. Wooldridge part 1. Lecture notes.

Topic 8

Multiple regression: The Gauss-Markov Theorem and Multiple Regression; “Par- tialling out” and the interpretation of coefficients; Good and bad habits concerning control variables;
Angrist and Pischke chapter 1, 2 and 3. Wooldridge part 1. Lecture notes.

Topic 9

Inference and Hypothesis testing: what is a statistical test and how it is constructed; The decision rule; Type I and type II errors; Power of a test.
Larsen and Marx, chapters 6 and 9. Casella and Berger, chapter 8. Lecture notes.

Topic 10

Inference and Hypothesis testing: finite sample and asymptotic tests in the context of a regression model.
Larsen and Marx, chapters 6 and 9. Casella and Berger, chapter 8. Lecture notes

Topic 11

Instrumental Variable estimation: The traditional interpretation and the Angrist- Imbens-Rubin interpretation of IV; Average Treatment Effect; Average Treatment Effect for the Treated; Local Average Treatment Effect.
Woolridge (2009); Angrist and Pischke (2013). Lecture notes

Exercise classes: TBD

There will be 6 exercise classes.




Teaching material

  • Richard J. Larsen and Morris L. Marx. An introduction to mathematical statistics and its applications. Prentice Hall, Fifth Edition, 2012.
  • George Casella and Roger L. Berger. Statistical Inference. Thomson, Second Edition, 2002.
  • Jeffrey Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics. A Modern Appproach. South Western Cengage Learning, 2009
  • Joshua Angrist and Jorn-Steffen Pischke. Mostly Harmless Econometrics. An Em- piricist’s Companion. Princeton University Press, 2013.
  • Lecture notes by the instructor.

    Final exam and Grading

    There will be two separate class room exams for Core 1A and Core 1B, but a single final grade based on:
  • 20% of the Core 1A grade;
  • 80% of the Core 1B grade;
  • The professors of each Core course will communicate in class the weights of the problems sets and of the final exam for the respective parts.
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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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