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Introduction to Game Theory (STG-MA-FCM-GTH)


Department STG
Course category 1st Year
Course type Course
Academic year 2024-2025
Term 1ST SEM
Credits 3 (European Credits (EC))
Contact Francioni, Cino
  Course materials
Reading list Link
Enrollment info Contact [email protected] for enrolment details.


The course will address the most basic concepts of cooperation, how to define actions in credible ways, define and achieve equilibrium, what is dominance, and what is ‘cheap talk’. The course includes eight themes: Why is game theory interesting? Foundations of game theory; Simultaneous Games; Prisoners’ dilemma: the most known game; Mixed-strategy Equilibria; Repeated games, Sequential games; Cheap talk.
Through multiple exercises, the course will use different contexts to describe the main issues and provide tools that can help predict the outcome (equilibrium) and lead to better outcomes.

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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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