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Master Project Training - Methods (STG-MA-MPT-MTH)


Department STG
Course category 2nd Year
Course type Course
Academic year 2024-2025
Term 1ST SEM
Credits 2 (European Credits (EC))
Contact Francioni, Cino
  Course materials
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Enrollment info Contact [email protected] for enrolment details.


The Master Project Seminar is for all students—pursuing Master Projects from the full range of topics developed at the School of Transnational Governance.

Nevertheless, there is a didactical focus on policy and institutional change and comparative public policy analysis. The reason is that in one way or another most master projects will cover some form of change in the real world as object of the empirical analysis. Therefore, some classical examples from the literature how policy and institutional change have been conceptualized and researched shall be considered by the group in order to inspire the students’ own projects. The students will benefit by having concrete examples— be it from the literature or from their peers—how independent and individual research projects are planned, designed and conducted. The seminar is an exercise in practical master research guidance and the students benefit by benchmarking their individual project to that of their peers. The students thus gain knowledge in how research projects are conducted and successfully completed.

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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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