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Home » Alumni » Max Weber Alumni Bio

Garmendia Madariaga, Amuitz

Assistant Professor in Political Science

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain



Max Weber alumnus

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Cohort(s): 2016/2017

Ph.D. Institution

Binghamton University (SUNY), United States


I am a political scientist with a broad interest in the field of comparative politics, working specifically on federal political economy and multilevel politics.
In my dissertation, which I defended in May 2016 at Binghamton University (SUNY) under the supervision of Olga Shvetsova, I specifically examined the institutional effects of constitutionally recognized asymmetric autonomy. Then, my focus was on institutional design variation in federations and quasi-federations and on the interplay of cleavage-based and partisan distributive politics.

I teach courses on American Politics, Comparative Politics, Models of Federalism and Decentralization, Multilevel Elections and Parties, and Comparative Constitutional Design.

Parts of my ongoing research have appeared or are forthcoming in Electoral Studies and European Union Politics. I have also been a Fulbright Scholar from 2011 to 2016 and participated in the main innovative training programmes for political scientists at the EITM. In September 2017, I will join the faculty of the Social Sciences Department at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as an Assistant Professor.
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