Florence School of Transnational Governance
Delivery mode
Villa Salviati
Application Deadline
31/05/2023 - 00:00 CEST
Following two successful runs, this interactive seminar enables participants to better comprehend the critical issues in the practical implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs). Specifically, it will focus on the lessons learnt and the way forward for the NGEU instrument two years into the implementation of the NRRPs across Member States. Therefore, this seminar will expand on the sound disbursing and spending of money, so that it can stimulate private market investments, especially in regard to the green and digital transitions, as well as on the current and expected impact of the plans in their national as well as in the overall EU environment. Key ongoing and future challenges will also be discussed, with special attention to the safeguarding of the plans and ensuring compliance with future audits, while improving the accountability and transparency of the instrument. Gathering representatives from Member States working on the recovery portfolio, this training seminar will serve both as a platform where the participants can get to foster a community of practice, as well as provide a forum for sharing concerns and experiences with EU Officials and leading academics in the field.
This executive training builds on the second edition that took place in November 2022.
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Georgios Papakonstantinou
Full-time Professor
Dean of Executive Education
Office of the Dean of Executive Education
Marina Vlachodimitropoulou
Project Associate