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Doctoral Programme in Economics

Programme Start Date





Villa La Fonte

Application Deadline:
31/01/2025 14:00 CET


Candidates from Malta applying for EUI Doctoral Programmes who meet the Eligibility Criteria below are automatically eligible for a Malta National Grant for a scholarship covering full funding of fees and subsistence for the full duration of the programme, in residence in Fiesole, Florence, Italy.

No separate funding application is required.

The application for admission to the EUI doctoral programme is automatically an application for a national grant.

Eligibility Criteria

In addition to the general EUI terms and conditions of eligibility, the following general grant terms apply. Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Maltese citizen who has been residing in Malta for the past five (5) years. Provided that a Maltese citizen who has been residing outside Malta for study, health or work purposes or any other purpose which the Tertiary Education Scholarships Scheme Board may consider, will still be eligible to apply and this period of time during which the citizen was abroad will not be taken into consideration for the purpose of calculating the five (5) year requirement.
  • Or Maltese citizen who is a worker or self-employed person in Malta.
  • Or national of an EU/EEA state or a family member of such EU/EEA national (as defined in SL460.17 and in SL217.04, respectively, for EU and EEA nationals), provided that such person has obtained permanent residence in Malta in accordance with SL460.17 and in SL217.04 respectively for EU and EEA nationals.
  • Or national of an EU/EEA state who is in Malta exercising his/her Treaty rights as a worker, self-employed person or person retaining such status in accordance with SL460.17.
  • Or third-country national that has been granted long-term residence status under SL217.04.

Degree Requirements

The minimum degree requirement for admission to the EUI Ph.D. Programme set by the Maltese grant-awarding authority is:

  • Master’s degree equivalent to Level 7 on the Malta Qualifications Framework

Candidates who are still in the process of obtaining the minimum qualification required for admission may also submit their application by the deadline, but must achieve the above qualification no later than 31 August.

Grants and Allowances

Monthly grant: 1.500 € for a maximum of 3 years.

Children allowance: Included in the fixed monthly grant amount, no extra supplement.

Travel allowance: Included in the fixed monthly grant amount, no extra supplement.

Insurance allowance: Included in the fixed monthly grant amount, no extra supplement.

The Authority (Malta) provides a monthly grant for the first three years of EUI Ph.D. Programme. The fourth year is covered by the EUI (2025 EUI fourth-year grant is 1.620 € per month, in addition to other allowances).

Funding Authority

Scholarships Unit, People Management Department          

Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation 

Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation


Scholarships Unit, People Management Department
Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation
Great Siege Road, Floriana, VLT 2000, MALTA

E: [email protected] W: T: +356 25980000

Page last updated on 22/11/2024

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