Conference Representation in flux and the future of democratic innovations European Governance and Politics Programme Annual Conference Add to calendar 2022-04-07 13:00 2022-04-08 18:00 Europe/Rome Representation in flux and the future of democratic innovations Sala Europa Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email When Thu 07 Apr 2022 13.00 - 18.00 Fri 08 Apr 2022 09.00 - 18.00 Where Sala Europa Villa Schifanoia Organised by Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies EGPP: European Governance and Politics Programme This conference explores how citizens’ trust resonates with changing patterns of representation, the responsiveness of democratic systems towards popular demands for inclusion in decision making and competent problem solving of complex issues. What are the reasons for the disengagement of citizens from democratic systems, and how can representative institutions fruitfully adopt democratic innovations designed to re-invigorate citizens’ trust in effective policy action? From the local to the trans- and supranational level, innovations are needed if the system of democratic representation that defines the EU political space is to fend off challenges mounted by populism and technocratic governance which both tend to negate the essence of pluralist politics. This conference explores how citizens’ trust resonates with changing patterns of representation, the responsiveness of democratic systems towards popular demands for inclusion in decision making and competent problem solving of complex issues. Furthermore, it focuses on major case studies of democratic innovations at local, national and EU level. The conference also discusses the transformation of conventional representative institutions within and across borders. In particular, it contributes to the debate on whether their articulation with democratic innovations – aimed at enhancing inclusiveness, transparency and accountability and harnessing the diffuse expertise in society – lead to a renewed legitimacy for democracy and popular trust in its political actors. Contact(s): RSCAS Conference Centre Scientific Organiser(s): Daniele Caramani (European University Institute)