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Working group

Interviewing Lawyers

Workshop on Qualitative Interviews in Socio-Legal Research

Add to calendar 2021-11-16 09:00 2021-11-16 13:00 Europe/Rome Interviewing Lawyers Sala del Torrino Villa Salviati - Castle YYYY-MM-DD


16 November 2021

9:00 - 13:00 CET


Sala del Torrino

Villa Salviati - Castle

Organised by

This workshop directed towards PhD and Post-doctoral researchers, takes a reflexive, hands-on, and auto-didactical approach.

Qualitative interviews are an important method in socio-legal research. Interviews allow us to peek into the dusty corridors of parliaments, speak to judges, listen to those affected by the law, and understand the messy practice behind a seemingly clear doctrinal rule.

Yet, few lawyers are trained interviewers. At the same time, lawyers are often tough interviewees. They are used to debate, often bound by a non-disclosure agreement, and perhaps not used to interviews as a method. So, what are the methodological basics for qualitative interviews in socio-legal research?

This workshop takes a reflexive, hands-on, and auto-didactical approach. What can we learn from anthropology, psychology, and sociology for qualitative interviews in socio-legal research? And what contributes a legal background to social scientific methodology?

The workshop is divided into two parts. First, we look how to prepare and conduct qualitative interviews. This includes aspects like outreach, ethics, consent forms, questionnaires, and interviewing techniques. Second, we focus on how to analyze the generated data. Here we explore transcriptions, different approaches to data analysis, and how to produce a text based on interviews.

The workshop is especially for young scholars (PhD/PostDocs). We circulate a short reading list and prep material in advance. We expect you to actively participate in the program. To maintain a hands-on atmosphere, we might cap the number of participants. We welcome applications from all disciplines.

Register here by 12 November 2021.

Hosted by:

Patrícia Jerónimo (University of Minho/EUI) | Kasia Krzyzanowska (EUI) | Carolin Lerch (EUI) | Ximene Rego (University of Minho) | Moritz Schramm (Humboldt-University of Berlin/EUI) | Marie Wilmet (EUI)  


Anna Di Biase

Scientific Organiser(s):

Carolin Lerch (EUI)

Moritz Schramm (Humboldt-University of Berlin)

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