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Working group

PhD Workshop in Competition Law

Paper presentations by second year researchers

Add to calendar 2022-05-02 10:00 2022-05-02 13:00 Europe/Rome PhD Workshop in Competition Law Sala del Consiglio and Zoom YYYY-MM-DD


02 May 2022

10:00 - 13:00 CEST


Sala del Consiglio and Zoom

Organised by

The EUI Competition Law Working Group invites you to its next session featuring paper presentations by three PhD candidates in the LAW department.

Three second-year EUI PhD candidates, under the supervision of Professor Nicolas Petit, will present their work and benefit from the comments and expertise of senior scholars in competition law and economics. Sara Guidi will present her paper "Digital ecosystems: Competition and cooperation in complex adative systems". Natalia Moreno Belloso presents "No solutions, just trade-offs: Regulating digital platform competition", and Teresa Oriani presents "A policy coordination perspective on the integration of environmental concerns in competition law".

The Competition Law Working Group is a forum where EUI members, external researchers, and practitioners working on antitrust law and economics discuss their work and interact with other scholars. All interested fellows, PhD researchers, professors and visiting academics are invited to participate.

Please register to attend the event at the link below.


Sanja Bogojević (Oxford University)

Niamh Dunne (London School of Economics - Law School)

Oliver Budzinski (TU Ilmenau)

Simonetta Vezzoso (University of Trento / Article19)

Paul Belleflamme (UCLouvain)

Anne-Christine Witt (EDHEC)

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