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New dynamics in EU-Asia relations

Between security and geo-economics

Add to calendar 2022-10-17 14:00 2022-10-17 18:00 Europe/Rome New dynamics in EU-Asia relations Sala Belvedere Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD


17 October 2022

14:00 - 18:00 CEST


Sala Belvedere

Villa Schifanoia

This public workshop takes stock of recent trends in EU-Asia relations by showcasing recent publications stemming from the EU-Asia Security and Trade (EAST) Jean Monnet-funded project as well as EUI’s own EU-Asia Project.

The unveiling of an EU Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, a macro-area that extends from Eastern Africa to the island states of the Pacific and East Asia, suggests that the EU aims to increase its political, economic, and military presence in this mega-region, crucial for both economic and geopolitical reasons. The Indo-Pacific accounts for 62 percent of the world’s GDP, it contributes to two-thirds of the global economic growth, and it is a region where China and the United States are engaging in ‘intense geopolitical competition’. The area also provides the scene for increasing tensions on trade and supply chains as well as in technological, political and security areas, and represents challenges to the universality of human rights.

This workshop takes stock of recent trends in EU-Asia relations by showcasing current publications stemming from the EU-Asia Security and Trade (EAST) Jean Monnet-funded project as well as EUI’s own EU-Asia Project. The workshop will examine the growing economic and security relevance of the Indo-Pacific to European interests, as well as the growing cross pollination between security and economics. Finally, the workshop will assess the likelihood of a sustained EU intervention in the region amidst Russia’s war in Ukraine, energy and food crises and the spectre of stagflation.

This event is co-organised with the Istituto Affari Internazionali and Maastricht University.



Mia Saugman

Scientific Organiser(s):

Giulio Pugliese (University of Oxford and European University Institute)

Thomas Christiansen (LUISS)

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