Workshop Research and writing workshop about the Museo di Antropologia Add to calendar 2023-02-08 16:00 2023-02-08 19:00 Europe/Rome Research and writing workshop about the Museo di Antropologia Sala del Capitolo Badia Fiesolana YYYY-MM-DD Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email When 08 February 2023 16:00 - 19:00 CET Where Sala del Capitolo Badia Fiesolana Organised by Department of History Event hosted by the EUI Public History Working Group, following the visit to the Museo di Antropologia of Florence. Following our group visit and discussion of the Museo di Antropologia on 19 November last year, we would now like to start the next steps of this project. The aim of the workshop is to concretise how we can further engage with the exhibition. The ideas floating around are to write a report, a series of blog posts or a series of reviews of the museum.Please register in order to get a seat or to receive the ZOOM link. Attachments: HEC Events - Privacy Statement - Sept 2021.pdf Scientific Organiser(s): Dario Willi (European University Institute) Adrià Enríquez Àlvaro (European University Institute) Louisa Niesen (European University Institute) Contact(s): Dario Willi (European University Institute)