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Solidarity in Europe: EUI – YouGov project's third annual data dissemination conference

Add to calendar 2024-01-25 13:45 2024-01-26 15:00 Europe/Rome Solidarity in Europe: EUI – YouGov project's third annual data dissemination conference Online and Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD


Thu 25 Jan 2024 13.45 - 18.00

Fri 26 Jan 2024 09.00 - 15.00


Online and Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia

EGPP is hosting the EUI-YouGov annual conference in a hybrid format, aiming to examine the evolution of European, transnational solidarity

The EUI-YouGov ‘Solidarity in Europe’ project started in 2018 and aims to examine the evolution of European, transnational solidarity. Since 2018, the project has been supported by a yearly survey, conceptualised by the EUI and administered by YouGov, which serves as input for scientific journal articles, policy briefs and media contributions. More information on the project can be found here

The overall aim of this two half-day conference is to disseminate this rich, publicly available data, to foster academic research, publications and collaborations. 

The dataset

The latest version of the dataset pertains to the fourth wave of the survey, fielded between March and April 2023. The questions cover a wide variety of topics: the concept of solidarity among EU states and beyond; response to different crises through various instruments; welfare and unemployment; taxes and basic income; satisfaction and trust towards governments, the EU and international actors; strength of national and European identities; value of democracy; importance and salience of various issues and threats; intention in a EU-membership referendum and other EU-related indicators including differentiated integration; world politics; left-right self-placement; gender, religion and age group; vote record in past national elections. The 2023 dataset is available here; the 2018-2022 trend file instead is available here

N.B. This conference will be recorded.


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