Thesis defence A Scandinavian Way of Adoption? Add to calendar 2024-04-03 10:00 2024-04-03 12:00 Europe/Rome A Scandinavian Way of Adoption? Sala del Torrino and Zoom YYYY-MM-DD Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email When 03 April 2024 10:00 - 12:00 CEST Where Sala del Torrino and Zoom Organised by Department of History PhD thesis defence by Kasper Eriksen on a comparative historical study of transnational adoption in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden during the late half of the 20th century. This thesis examines transnational adoption in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden from a comparative historical perspective in the context of the Nordic welfare state. The international research on transnational adoption is heavily focused on North America. However, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have seen some of the highest rates of transnational adoptions in the world when measured per capita, and these countries have received the most children relative to their population size. This thesis seeks to contribute to the growing scholarship on transnational adoption as well as to bring it into conversation with research on the Nordic welfare state. It uses adoption to break away from the top-down statist perspective on welfare states and demonstrate how private associations and families in Scandinavia both shape the services that they receive and play a crucial role in how these services are delivered and regulated. A main finding of this comparative study is that transnational adoption in Scandinavia has been primarily promoted by private actors (adoptive parents, associations) who successfully forced the authorities to not only accept but also assist with the adoption of foreign children from abroad during the latter half of the 20th century. Contact(s): Laura Borgese (EUI - Department of History and Civilization) Defendant(s): Kasper Eriksen (EUI) Supervisor(s): Prof. Laura Lee Downs (EUI - Department of History and Civilization) Examiner(s): Cecilia Lindgren (Linköping University) Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark) Prof. Monika Baár (European University Institute)