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Thesis defence

Shaping Liability in Private Enforcement Actions

A Framework from Tort and Competition Law in Europe and the United States

Add to calendar 2024-06-12 10:30 2024-06-12 12:30 Europe/Rome Shaping Liability in Private Enforcement Actions Sala degli Stemmi Villa Salviati - Castle YYYY-MM-DD


12 June 2024

10:30 - 12:30 CEST


Sala degli Stemmi

Villa Salviati - Castle

Organised by

PhD thesis defence by Grigorios Bacharis
Private enforcement—the pursuit of public policies through private plaintiff litigation — is used more than in the past, with the United States and the European Union as two of its main promoters. Theoretical and practical problems arise as private law, designed for another purpose, needs to change to adapt to the demands of enforcing public policy. The main question is how to change existing tort law rules to incentivise enforcement without sacrificing the structure and rationality of private law. Focusing on substantive law and specifically on the conditions of liability, G. Bacharis will ask how and why they should change, if at all. For this reason, the candidate will use competition damages claims in the EU and the US as the primary case study, investigating how standing, causation, fault, and passive liability, are shaped in this area compared to general tort law.


Prof. Martijn Hesselink (EUI - Department of Law)

Prof. Olha Cherednychenko (University of Groningen)

Prof. Dörte Poelzig (University of Hamburg)


Prof. Stefan Grundmann (Humboldt University)

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