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A journey toward global value chain upgrading

Exploring the transition from backward to forward integration

Add to calendar 2024-06-11 14:00 2024-06-11 15:00 Europe/Rome A journey toward global value chain upgrading Outside EUI premises YYYY-MM-DD


11 June 2024

14:00 - 15:00 CEST


Outside EUI premises

Join Nebojsa Stojcic as he reveals new insights into how backward integration influences forward integration in global value chains.

Global value chains (GVCs) are embraced worldwide as a gateway to technological and economic upgrading. Countries integrate into backward, value-importing linkages with the aim of accumulating technological capabilities and transitioning towards creating their own forward, value-exporting chains and capturing a greater share of the value generated within GVCs. 

Existing knowledge, which is largely fragmented and descriptive, points to a number of uncertainties and complexities that make this process anything but linear. It is open question whether the deepening backward linkages facilitates forward integration in GVCs. 

During this event, a new research using data from 65 countries over two decades will show that the impact of backward integration on forward integration in GVCs varies over time and that it is moderated by the level of development of the country, the diversity of the GVC partner network and the innovation conditions in the home market. 

The study adds a new perspective to the literature on GVC-driven upgrading.

This event is co-organised with the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Research Centre International Economics (FIW). 

The project leading to this webinar has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101031139.

Any dissemination of the results of this event, reflect only the presenters' view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. 

This event will be recorded.


Valentina Gorgoni

Scientific Organiser(s):

Fabio Santeramo (European University Institute)

Mahdi Ghodsi (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)


Nebojša Stojčić (University of Dubrovnik)


Silvia Nenci (University of Rome)

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