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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute

Cyber diplomacy | Andrea Calderaro

Visiting Fellow Andrea Calderaro introduces the concept of 'cyber diplomacy' and the importance of international cooperation to secure the digital world.

13 February 2024 | Video

The deepening global technological interconnectedness has heightened societies' dependence on digital networks, offering opportunities while also exposing them to increased vulnerability from cyber threats. This makes the protection of the internet a global priority that has to be addressed through transnational efforts.

In the book 'Internet diplomacy. Shaping the global politics of cyberspace', Meryem Marzouki and Andrea Calderaro study the broad range of emerging international practices clustered around digital environments, including cybersecurity and internet governance.

With this Schuman short, Calderaro offers a glimpse of why cyber security to protect this sovereign domain is becoming increasingly crucial.

To learn more about this field, you can also check the conference 'Building Cyber Capacity with the Global South', which gathered 50 experts from over 20 countries at the Robert Schuman Centre in October 2023.


Last update: 13 February 2024

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