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Department of Economics - European University Institute

Economics Department ranked #15 in the world for graduates' publication success

The EUI's Department of Economics places among the world elite in an evaluation by RePEc of the research output of its graduates.

09 September 2021 | Research


RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) recently assessed the research output of over 8000 institutions world-wide, and the EUI’s Department of Economics was ranked #15 for the publication success of its graduates.

The ranking uses publication data from the past ten years and only counts works by graduates of the department who are registered as authors with the RePEc site, a highly respected repository and bibliographic database in the field.

Currently EUI’s economics department has about 130 researchers, faculty and alumni registered with RePEc. This compares to the economists turned out by MIT (ranked first in the world by publication success), which has some 600 persons currently registered.

In today’s ranking, the peer institutions which beat out the EUI in publication success include 11 top US universities, one in France (Paris School of Economics) and two in the UK (Oxford, LSE).

RePEc is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralised bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components.

The rankings of publication success use a weighted composite of 36 indicators relating to citation, page views, downloads, and more. Many of these indicators are updated daily and some monthly, so the ranking can change often.

Last update: 26 January 2022

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