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European University Institute

EUI renews membership with EUIPO and EPO

The European University Institute together with the European Patent Office (EPO) and The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement joint activities in the field of intellectual property rights (IP) in Europe.

21 December 2023 | Partnership


The MOU constitutes a framework for the three institutions to collaborate on initiatives that aim to bolster intellectual property awareness, as well as educational opportunities for young EUI graduates.

In particular, under the agreement, the EUI will participate in the Pan-European Seal Programme that aims to assist young graduates and experts in accessing the IP labour market through traineeships and employment opportunities.

Another significant feature of this partnership allows EUI members to access a wealth of resources on IP protection and enforcement produced by both the EPO and EUIPO. These e-learning materials will be readily accessible as soon as they are developed. Furthermore, the MOU foresees the organisation of conferences, lectures, as well as various workshops and seminars dedicated to promoting IP awareness and education, providing students, scholars, and practitioners the opportunity to engage in discussions and exchange ideas on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

The above-mentioned joint initiatives contribute to ensuring that EUI students, researchers, and faculty are at the forefront of IP education and practice.

The European Patent Office (EPO) is the most prominent organ of the intergovernmental European Patent Organisation. It comprises of 39 member states, which oversee the task of granting European patents and examining European patent applications.

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is a European Union agency responsible for managing the registration of two unitary intellectual property rights: the European Union trademark (EUTM) and the Registered Community Design (RCD). In addition, the agency is also responsible for running the EU Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights.

For more information on the Memorandum, please contact [email protected].

Last update: 21 December 2023

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