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Historical Archives of the European Union

“Europe and Europeans 1950>2020” exhibition now available in Latvian

The Representation in Latvia of the European Commission has provided for the translation of “Europe and Europeans 1950>2020: 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration” into Latvian. It has also developed an online lesson on the history of the EU for secondary schools in Latvia, based on the exhibition.

09 April 2021

Robert Schuman HAEU Exhibition

The plan and methodology of the online lesson were established in partnership with Edgars Bērziņš, a well-known Latvian history teacher and member of the European History Teachers' Association, in line with the national requirements for competency-based education.

Teachers and educators were provided with methodological recommendations on how to use the exhibition materials to support the learning process. The lesson’s objectives are to study and describe the most important turning points in the history of the EU, to use digital learning platforms to exchange ideas and thoughts, and to analyse the exhibition by focusing on specific aspects of its main topics. Teachers may also access a recorded demo lesson, and all materials have been made available online as part of the study contents collection School2030.

The multi-lingual exhibition “Europe and Europeans 1950>2020: 70th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration” prepared by the HAEU, is already available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Slovenian. The exhibition can be downloaded from the HAEU website in different formats.

The exhibition raises awareness of the importance of the Schuman Declaration within the history of European integration. It stimulates reflection on the relevance of the Declaration in today’s Europe, and encourages debate on the history of the European Union (EU) and its future for the new generations of Europeans. Its physical inauguration at the HAEU and in numerous hosting organisations was originally planned on May 9th, Europe Day 2020, but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis. Against this background, the HAEU developed a dedicated website to display the exhibition online.

Consult the material online and watch the demo lesson developed by the Representation in Latvia of the European Commission..

Find more information on the website of the National Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia.

Last update: 24 June 2024

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