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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

How to build the European Political Community | Jean Pisany-Ferry

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa chair Jean Pisani-Ferry has co-authored an op-ed with Daniela Schwarzer on Le Project Syndicate, tackling the potential of the European Political Community on the occasion of its inaugural summit

26 October 2022 | Opinion

Jean Pisani-Ferry

This piece by Jean Pisani-Ferry published on Project Syndicate on 3 October 2022 addresses how the European Political Community (EPC) as new body could mark a watershed moment in the continent's integration process and reshape the EU’s relations with its neighbors.

"The EPC could serve as a bridge to a larger EU and a framework for more permanent continental integration. To that end, European leaders must use the upcoming summit to build a platform that combines political dialogue with policymaking. The EPC could start as a soft-law agreement between participating states and the EU. It could reach decisions by 'rough consensus' without vetoes and serve as a testing ground for much-needed voting rules reforms."

Continue reading Jean Pisani-Ferry’s latest publication on Project Syndicate.

Last update: 02 November 2022

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