Originally from a small town in Northern Germany, Julian Martini embarked on his legal journey in Hannover, specialising in European and International Law. Just a month before joining the EUI, he graduated and passed the first state exam. During his studies, he also spent a year at the University of Pisa.
Julian's initial aspirations in law were rooted in a desire to become a lawyer in criminal law, driven by a passion for combatting in justice and defending those facing the threat of imprisonment. However, as he delved deeper into his legal studies, he discovered a passion for public law, fundamental rights, constitutional law, and international legal matters. This led him to volunteer as a legal counsellor for refugees and migrants, assisting in matters related to migration and asylum law.
The choice of the EUI for his studies was motivated by Julian's quest for a research-oriented programme that went beyond the mere analysis and application of existing laws, by rethinking the role of law in politics and society. He believes that the EUI's Law Department, with its diverse expertise across various legal fields and its international community, will provide the ideal environment for his academic pursuits.
Julian's research at the EUI revolves around migration legislation and its conceptualisation. Inspired by his volunteer work in this area, he found himself confused by the inconsistencies and contradictions within the European and International Refugee/Migration Law system. His research delves into the consequences of irregular migration, not only concerning the living conditions of those affected but also the responsibilities of the states hosting and interacting with migrants. Looking ahead, Julian envisions a career within the European Union, an international organisation, or perhaps an NGO. His time at the EUI serves as the perfect platform to gain insights into European institutions and connect with individuals from various organisations.
Beyond his academic research, Julian is an avid traveller, always eager to discover new places. During weekends, he loves to follow Formula 1 racing. Additionally, he plans to join the EUI volleyball group.
We warmly welcome Julian to the EUI community, and we look forward to following his progress and contributions to the field of migration law.