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Department of Political and Social Sciences

Rationality and Society James S Coleman Outstanding Article Award

SPS Professor Arnout van de Rijt has been awarded the Rationality and Society James S. Coleman Outstanding Article Award for 2021.

06 July 2021 | News - Award


Teams, juries, electorates, and committees must often choose from various alternatives what they judge to be the best option. Condorcet’s famous jury theorem tells us that group decisions based on plurality voting (or relative majority) can be surprisingly wise. Results from a laboratory experiment reveal that when subjects sequentially state which of two answers they deem correct, knowledge of what others stated before backfires, undermining the wisdom of the crowd.

Professor of Political and Social Sciences, Arnout van de Rijt receives the Rationality and Society James S. Coleman Outstanding Article Award for his article on Social Influence Undermines the Wisdom of the Crowd in Sequential Decision Making.

Last update: 07 July 2021

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