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European University Institute

The EUI enhances its strategic partnership with the OECD

The European University Institute (EUI) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to strengthen collaboration in different policy fields, work on common projects, and encourage mobility opportunities.

07 February 2024 | Partnership


The five-year MoU between the EUI and the OECD focuses on engaging in mutual research on priority policy areas, as well as on offering opportunities to EUI graduates to collaborate with the OECD.

The key areas involve policy fields of common interest: inter alia, governance, education and research, foresight, economy and finance, employment, competition, energy, environment, as well as the broader geopolitics and geo-economics that define international relations and politics.

Joint activities will involve the development and implementation of research projects and programmes, and the organisation of seminars, workshops, conferences, and policy dialogues. Moreover, the two institutions will aim at organising executive training courses for capacity-development in the public sector.

The EUI and the OECD will also foster mobility opportunities for their staff, researchers, and students. In particular, this initiative will allow EUI PhD researchers and master students to do internships at the OECD, gaining valuable experience at such a prestigious international organisation.

The strategic partnership between the EUI and OECD represents a step forward in the long-standing collaboration between the two organisations. The EUI started to cooperate with the OECD in 2015, in the area of competition, mainly through the EUI’s Robert Schuman Centre. Through the renewed MoU, the EUI and the OECD reinforce their collaboration, which is driven by their mutual interest in promoting research and knowledge related to social, economic, environmental, and transnational governance opportunities and challenges.

Working with over 100 countries, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a global policy forum that promotes policies to preserve individual liberty and improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. It is an evidence-based organisation sharing best practices across countries.

Any further information on this partnership may be obtained from the EUI External Relations Office.

Last update: 07 February 2024

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