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European University Institute

The EUI signs a new partnership with the Spanish National Research Council

The European University Institute (EUI) has signed a new partnership agreement with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), strengthening their collaboration in the areas of research training and scientific exchanges.

19 July 2023 | Partnership

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The five-year agreement between the EUI and CSIC will facilitate collaboration in the fields of social sciences and humanities, namely political and social sciences, economics, history and civilisation, and law.

Together, the institutions aim to implement a series of joint activities, mainly aimed at coordinating, developing, and disseminating scientific research and training researchers.

Joint activities will focus on the enhancement of interdisciplinary research, through the organisation of workshops, conferences, and collaborative research projects, as well as on the development of collaborative executive education trainings and summer schools.

The two institutions will also foster the promotion of sabbaticals, visiting professorships, fellowships, and staff visits, as well as exchange programmes for researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. The agreement also entails the exchange of publications, scientific and teaching material, scientific journals, as well as documentation on joint research.

Lastly, EUI and CSIC will benefit from a mutual exchange of experiences on the strategic orientation of both organisations and their functioning and management, in order to enhance the impact of their research outputs on policymaking and global affairs.

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public research institution in Spain and one of the most renowned institutions in the European Research Area (ERA). It is affiliated to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Secretary General for Research. Its purpose is to promote, coordinate, develop, and disseminate scientific and technological research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and to economic, social, and cultural development.

Any further information on this partnership may be obtained from the EUI External Relations office.

Last update: 19 July 2023

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