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Florence School of Transnational Governance

Protecting Liberal Democracy in Illiberal Times

Programme Start Date



15-17 November 2017


Badia Fiesolana

Past training, registrations closed.

Programme Description

This Executive Training Seminar drew upon policy experiences from Europe, Latin America and Africa, providing an in-depth analysis on how regional organisations across the globe respond to the challenges posed by authoritarian governments and illiberal democracies in their member states. Specifically, organisations such as the European Union, the Organization of American States, and the African Union are increasingly challenged by the rise of populist political discourses and the coexistence of a variety of authoritarianism and defective democracies in their regions of influence.

Participants acquired first-hand knowledge of the substantive content of the different mechanisms for the protection of democracy in regional organisations in Europe, America and Africa. They actively learned about the internal functioning of these organisations and the policy effects of their application by examining concrete case studies.

Throughout the training seminar, participants had the opportunity to network with a set of top officials and experts from regional and international organisations, as well as with senior practitioners from NGOs and like-minded colleagues from all over the world.


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