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Moritz Wassum completed his PhD at the University of Strathclyde’s School of Government and Public Policy in Glasgow. In his PhD thesis he explores and tests the role of international, institutional, and political economy factors in explaining temporal and cross-country variation in formal competition laws and enforcement activities. Before his PhD, he studied Public Administration and International Political Economy at the University of Konstanz and the University of Warwick (MA) and obtained a BA in Political Science from Goethe University Frankfurt. His primary research interests are in the areas of public policy, regulatory governance, and regulation.

As a Max Weber Fellow, Moritz will work towards publishing his PhD thesis and develop a new research project on the relationship between regulation (including competition policy) and socio-economic inequalities with a focus on public infrastructure sectors. Specifically, he will explore the effects of regulatory agencies and regulations on sectoral development and the reduction of socio-economic inequalities. The main research questions ask whether existing regulatory institutions improve the functioning of markets and reduce socio-economic inequalities and how the regulatory state may be designed to better contribute to equal economic development. Moritz also has experience as Teaching Assistant covering undergraduate classes in International Relations and Comparative Politics.

Research projects, clusters and working groups

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