Tommaso Nannicini is a full-time Professor at the EUI holding a Chair in Political Economy at the School of Transnational Governance (STG). He is currently on leave from Bocconi University, where he is also full Professor of Political Economy. His research interests encompass political economy, applied econometrics, comparative politics, labour and social policy.
After majoring in Political Science at the University of Florence (B.A.) and in Economics at Bocconi University (M.A.), he received his PhD in Economics from the EUI in 2005. Afterwards, he was an assistant professor at Carlos III University of Madrid, a visiting professor at Harvard University, and a visiting scholar at MIT, the International Monetary Fund, and Pompeu Fabra.
Professor Nannicini has published in top peer-reviewed international journals such as the American Economic Review, the American Political Science Review, and the American Journal of Political Science, among many others. In 2014, he received a Consolidator ERC Grant for the project: “Political Mind: Understanding Politicians’ and Voters’ Behavior.”
He also served in the Italian government as the Chief Economic Advisor of the Prime Minister, Undersecretary of State, and Senator. In that capacity, he has worked on various issues such as labour market reform, pension reform, social dialogue with trade unions and employers’ organisations, antipoverty policies, tax design and administration, and research policy. As a Senator, he has chaired the Bicameral Committee on Pension and Welfare Agencies.
At the STG, Professor Nannicini teaches “Topics in Economics for Policy” (introductory microeconomics) and “Big & Smart Data Analysis” (quantitative methods), both at the master's and the executive level. He also supervises PhD students at the EUI Economics and SPS departments.